If you’ve got a best friend or trusted confidant, your life is infinitely easier. No, really—science backs up the mental and physical health benefits of friendship through multiple studies.
Did you know your perceived pain decreases with a supportive friend present? It’s true, and if you need an idea of how this works, just think of having your sister in the delivery room with you, a treasured office pal getting you through the most horrendous job or your best friend in that incredibly difficult strength training class.

Friendships and close relationships also increase resilience. A completely fascinating 2012 British study found that “best friendships are a protective mechanism supporting the development of psychological resilience in adults,” and then a later study of teens by the same research team found “a positive association between greater perceived friendship quality and increased resilience.”
That research team also found that, “at least one close friendship helps adolescents craft meaning and strength amid substantial adversity.”
It gets better though. In a 2008 study, university students were asked to estimate the steepness of a hill. While some participants were tested alone, others were tested with someone they identified as a friend or having an existing trusting bond with. When study participants had a friend with them, they saw the hill as being less steep.
And that’s pretty powerful proof that friendship really does make life much better.
The same study found that “the longer a friend was known, the less steep the hill appeared.” That means an old trusted friend, a sibling, a favorite cousin or another loved one that brings you a sense of peace increases your optimism and confidence in being able to get through the hardest tasks and events.
Cue The Wonder Years theme music, will ya?
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