This puppy chow makes me proud to be an American. I’m most definitely making this for the 4th, not just because I love Chex Cereal, chocolate, and powdered sugar, but because there is no baking involved here, which means I won’t be sweating anymore than I already am in my apartment. Recipe and image via Sweet as a Cookie.

Red ingredients:
1 cup red (vanilla flavored) candy wafers
3 tbs. vegetable oil
3/4 cup Duncan Hines strawberry cake mix
4-5 cups rice Chex cereal
1/2 cup powdered sugar
White ingredietns:
1 cup white (vanilla flavored) candy wafers
3 tbs. vegetable oil
3/4 cup Duncan Hines white cake mix
4-5 cups rice Chex cereal
1/2 cup powdered sugar
Blue ingredients:
1 cup dark blue (vanilla flavored) candy wafers
3 tbs. vegetable oil
3/4 cup Duncan Hines white cake mix
4-5 cups rice Chex cereal
1/2 cup powdered sugar
For preparation instructions, click here.