Dining Food FOOD AND TRAVEL Recipes

Yum Alert: Patriotic Puppy Chow

Patriotic Puppy Chow
Written by emilyc

This puppy chow makes me proud to be an American. I’m most definitely making this for the 4th, not just because I love Chex Cereal, chocolate, and powdered sugar, but because there is no baking involved here, which means I won’t be sweating anymore than I already am in my apartment. Recipe and image via Sweet as a Cookie.

Patriotic Puppy Chow

Red ingredients:
1 cup red (vanilla flavored) candy wafers
3 tbs. vegetable oil
3/4 cup Duncan Hines strawberry cake mix
4-5 cups rice Chex cereal
1/2 cup powdered sugar
White ingredietns:
1 cup white (vanilla flavored) candy wafers
3 tbs. vegetable oil
3/4 cup Duncan Hines white cake mix
4-5 cups rice Chex cereal
1/2 cup powdered sugar
Blue ingredients:
1 cup dark blue (vanilla flavored) candy wafers
3 tbs. vegetable oil
3/4 cup Duncan Hines white cake mix
4-5 cups rice Chex cereal
1/2 cup powdered sugar

For preparation instructions, click here.

About the author


Emily is a New Yorker trapped in a Floridian's body and loves every minute of her big city life. With a major in international business and years of being surrounded by ill-fitting suits and all the wrong shoes, she learned that the importance of fashion needs to be communicated to the world. To her, fashion is on the same level as charity work and feeding hungry children. Emily can be found frolicking the streets of her gayborhood enjoying the off-color humor of the gays.

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