10 Tips for Traveling with Pets

Written by Tanner

Ten Tips for Traveling with Pets

If you have ever traveled with a pet, you know that this image is obviously photoshopped, because NO pet is ever this calm! However, thanks to Dr. Marty Becker, the resident veterinarian on Good Morning America, here are some helpful tips on how to travel with your pet without having to pull out the tranks (hey, nobody’s judging, do what ya gotta do, right?!)…

Roadtrip! Car Tips:

1. Buckle up with a dog seatbelt or place your pet in a barrier to help keep them contained and comfortable.

(*Dr Becker recommends Kurgo seat belts and safety barriers, $20-$30, available on

2. Pets are like children (except cleaner and they don’t bite as often), and get bored easily: bring toys to keep pets entertained.

3. Fill car with an emergency kit, including dog food, water, medicine, etc., just in case you get stuck in traffic or there is a natural disaster.

4. Feed your pet a light meal three to four hours prior to departure, and remember not to feed your furry friend in a moving vehicle, even if it is a long drive.

To Infinity and Beyond! Plane Tips:

1. If your pet is in the cabin, they must fit comfortably under the seat in a pre-approved carrier (take my word, you do not want to cross a flight attendant these days, little sleep=little tolerance for non-regulation sized carriers, no matter how cute Benji is).

2. If your pet is flying in the cargo area make sure they are kept in strong carriers that are well ventilated.

3. Carriers should also be just big enough that your pet can stand up, lie down, and turn around comfortably.

(*Dr Becker recommends the Expand-A-Space pet carrier, $42.49 on

4. Whether your pet is flying with you in the cabin or is banished to cargo, be sure to include dog blankets and toys, as they will be alone in a strange place, and these things will offer comfort.

5. Update your pet ID tags before you travel anywhere. If you get separated from your pet, it will be easier to locate and reunite with them with updated tags.

6. For safety in a car or plane and confinement in a hotel room, bring the pet’s crate so they have familiar surroundings.

Interested to learn more about Dr. Marty Becker and get more tips for your pet? Feel free to stalk him on

About the author


Tanner is a cool cat from Alaska who left the arctic in search of the hot fashion scene in NYC. He stays hydrated in the heat drinking coconut flavored anything and warm in the cold by cocooning himself in layers of his hand knit scarves. His current obsession? Mixing his drink with equal parts of Diet Sierra Mist and the Dolly Parton station on Pandora

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