They’re cute, they’re cuddly and only a virgin can tame ‘em. Here are 15 real reasons you need a unicorn on your back.
Cooperative Plush Animal Backpack [$39.00,]
1. Unicorns are chic.
2. Have you ever seen a unicorn in US Weekly’s Fashion Police?
3. The unicorn is a legendary animal from European folklore that sometimes has a goat’s beard.
4. People might think you’re a virgin if you’re wearing a unicorn.
5. Unicorns symbolize purity and grace.
6. Lady Gaga likes unicorns.
7. Lady Gaga is a unicorn.
8. Unicorns make great pets.
9. Every guy wants to bone a girl who owns a unicorn.
10. Unicorns can’t get knocked up.
11. They can heal syphillis.
12. Possessing even a fragment of a unicorn’s horn could prolong your life.
13. All unicorns hail from India.
14. But they look like white people
15. A true unicorn will always have your back, no matter what.