Prostitutes in Nevada are staunch supporters of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Because why not, Hookers for Hillary?
I am not a very political person, but I will say that if I didn’t mind the government knowing where I live, I would totally vote for Hillary. I also have a few friends that are hookers, so this story is right up my alley.
The world-renowned hookers from the Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Nevada have been following Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, and have even gone so far as to campaign for her publicly. They are the official Hookers for Hillary.
“I’m for Hillary because she’s cracking down on domestic violence,” Entice Love, a 26-year-old mother of two from Sacramento who works at the ranch, told The Guardian. “I’ve been in a relationship for a long time where I’d been thrown down stairs, black eyes, fractured ribs… when I’m looking at who I want to pick for the presidency, I look at what are they doing that I can relate to that will be of benefit for me. That’s why I was for Obama, now I’m for Hillary.”
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At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if you are a sex worker or a politician (that most likely has a close relationship with more than one sex worker), the future of our country is going to be decided this year. Its kind of awesome to see that everyone, even hookers, care about who is going to lead our country into the future.
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