Dresses FASHION Outerwear Steals And Deals

Adorable Must Have LBDs by DVF

Written by Ashley

How to wear your newest Shopbop finds.

Gearing up for those winter days that will have you out  from the minute you wake up to the minute your head hits the pillow can be rough, but styling the right LBD, like these from DVF’s sale on Shopbop.com, will get you from the Farmer’s Market to your Friday night dance party without missing a beat.

Work Wear: This dress is super flattering, interestingly blended with wool & jersey, is a perfect winter-time pick for those days that you’ll be out from the minute you wake up to the minute your head hits the pillow.  For the office, we’d pair it with a power blazer, opaque tights & a well constructed heel. For night, ditch the blazer to expose the dipped back & swap in some patterned tights in a bright color to get noticed.

DVF Carlita Dress: $425.00 $297.50 (30% off) Shopbop.com

Weekend Wear: Slip this dress on over a longsleeved crew-neck, textured tights & a motorcycle boot for running your errands, boozy brunch or travel. For night, just ditch the longsleeved crewneck, and add heels to a bare leg for a swanky Saturday night. Keep the jewelry minimal to emphasize the cut, ruching & detail of the dress.

DVF Elgrody Dress: $498.00 $249.00 (50% off) Shopbop.com

About the author


a fun-loving, twenty-something living in Brooklyn. She spends most of her time absorbing all the life, tofu and whiskey that NYC has to offer. Her current obsessions? BDG High-waisted leggings, vintage boot shopping in Williamsburg, Katherine Kwei's sling bag and Melanie Marie's two-finger horn ring.

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