Installing a piano doorbell is a great way to have some fun with your decor, and mess with your spouse’s mind at the same time.
When I get married I want to have one of those fun marriages that you see on sitcoms. I want to always keep my husband guessing by playing fun pranks like cutting the bottoms out of his underwear, and leaving deadly cobras in the toilet. Admittedly that may be a little hardcore, but one easier method of playing with your spouses mind is to install fun, artsy pieces into your decor, such as this piano doorbell. Whoever invented it certainly doesn’t have kids. Can you imagine all the annoying trouble your kids would get into with this thing? The only upside I can see is that it would be fun for your friends to have their own theme songs, like the Star Wars theme, or the Thong Song in Bryce Gruber’s case.
I don’t suggest it if you have kids, but the Pianobell would make a great gift if your husband is a musician with a great sense of humor and a low sperm count.
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