Beauty Spotting: Yarok Hair Treatment Leads to Hairmazingness

Written by Bryce

Deep moisture genius!

There are two things I know when it comes to my hair:

1. It’s giant and has a mind of it’s own. I’ll blame my dad’s Middle Eastern genes for spreading his chest hair all over my head.

2. I typically don’t like oils in my hair aside from argan oil… mostly because I’ve become an oil snob, and partially because I try to stay away from the greasy hipster look.

I’ve been living my life as a curly-headed mess for years and years and typically loving it. I got this way because I’ve become way too lazy to blow my hair out because my hair is tangly and dry in some spots and oily in others. It’s basically been a pain in the ass for the first 27 years of my life, and that scenario only changed today. “How?” you ask… well, I’m glad you asked. My friend Gabe, who is literally a life coach, emailed me one day and made it extremely clear in only a few sentences that I needed to visit his hair expert friend Mordechai.

When Gabe speaks, I listen. He’s a life coach for Christ’s sake. I mean, he coaches entire lives… I think he knows what my hair needs. He strongly suggested that I make a trip to Mordechai’s Manhattan hair studio, appropriately called “Yarok,” the word for green in Hebrew. The studio is a safe haven for Mordechai’s celebrity clientele including the Venus & Serena, Brooke Shields, and a ton of other big names with thirsty hair. It’s tucked away in a trendy part of town on the 6th floor of an office building so celebs feel safe and discreet, and he can quietly work his magic with the line of entirely green and chemical junk-free line of shampoos and hair treatments. Mordechai quickly prescribed his carefully-blended Feed Your Youth hair treatment. OMG, heaven.

The treatment is a careful blend of organic oils, including avocado oil, orange blossom oil, and pure yarrow. As Mordechai’s assistant applied several droppers full to my big Jew-fro, I thought about stopping her to say “um, I think that’s enough… oil is going to make me look gross.” But I figured she was the expert and the worst case scenario would be me looking like a greasy hipster, moving to Williamsburg, and starting a band that sings haikus to the beat of 1992 Shari Lewis tunes. I’m glad I let go and let Theodora grease my hair up– about 20 minutes later I had the softest, silkiest hair I’ve had since I was like four years old. Not even kidding.

I asked her how I could duplicate her efforts at home, because it’s unlikely that I’ll schlep to a discreet hair studio every 3 days for a shampoo and treatment. The lady genius looked at me and said, “oh, easy… just work some oil into your roots, comb it through to the ends, and then go for a run or do yoga or your normal work out. Wash it out during the shower you’d normally take after your run or whatever.”

“Work out? Yoga? What’s that got to do with my hair?”

“The heat and moisture from your scalp will seal in our careful blend of nutrients, and you won’t have to make any special effort to do the treatment. You’ll be living your life as you normally do, right?”


15 minutes later I bought their economy size bottle, and scooped up their special blend shampoo and conditioner to match… and I feel like I’m doing something good for my body by cutting out the harsh chemicals I’m used to using.

$25 well-spent, and great for anyone with dry hair, colored hair, or prone to flaky scalp issues. Available here.

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.


  • You look so pretty and happy in picture #2! I am so getting this for my sister who has hair like yours. Thanks for the tip

  • thanks, lady! i seriously loved it! just make sure to wash it all out thoroughly… it’s awesome though:)!