This pitch black ice cream is made of coconut ashes to match the depths of your soul.
When it comes to ice cream though there are a all sorts of weird flavors out there, including but not limited to, ice cream made of coconut ashes. Because the world is finally catching up to the under-implied need for sweet treats that match our nail polish.
The coconut ash ice cream originated at Morgenstern’s Finest Ice Cream parlor in New York. The owner had been experimenting with coconut ashes, so he added in coconut milk, coconut cream, and coconut flakes to create an altogether ironic ice cream experience, since coconuts are white on the inside. Or so you think.
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The black ice cream has been blowing up Instagram lately, so if you’re anywhere near New York and aren’t afraid of eating ashes, you might want to head over to Morgenstern’s. Obviously you should wearing your finest NYC-person attire: black, on black, on black to eat this stuff. It’s only appropriate.