Bryce Gruber’s Thoughts of the Day

Written by Bryce

“For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

1. I’m Going to Start Wearing Thong Body Suits. Why? Because I’m never going to be 26 again and I’m pretty sure when I’m 76 I’m going to look back at my life and wonder why the hell I wasn’t wearing thong body suits over ridiculous leggings when I could actually get away with it both physically and emotionally.

2. I Think I See My Shadow? It’s Groundhog Day. I know that’s pretty meaningless to most of you, but it actually holds a bunch of significance to me. February 2 was my parents’ wedding anniversary. That ended as a calamity. February 2 was also the day that Ben’s dad and I split exactly two years ago. Just so we’re all clear, there was no connection between my parents split and my split with Baby Daddy- the dates were merely a cosmic coincidence. On the surface, this seems sort of dark and dreary… but I’m pretty sure it’s all parallel to the meaning of Groundhog’s Day anyway. On February 2, Grubers wake up and rise from their holes to either see their shadow in the sunshine or not. On this particular February 2, I’m getting out of my hole and seeing nothing but sunshine… and I don’t really care if that means Spring is coming or Winter is staying.

3. Mexico Still Rocks My World. I don’t care what all the reports say on safety or whatever else. If you’re not a Mexican, you’re probably going there to stay at a nice hotel or resort. The resorts are beautiful, well-kept, and safe. I would, however, be wary of any trips to Cairo right now. Just my two cents, and the pic below is me in Mex about 8 weeks ago. Acapulco <3

3. Dunkin Donuts. Where the heck are you guys? Shouldn’t my face be all over your munchkin boxes or something by now?

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.