My wild schedule lately is causing my overflowing jewelry collection to become tangled in knots, encased in sandwich bags for weeks from travel, and strewn about in bathroom drawers, meer inches away from a messy nailpolish disaster. It’s time for a jewel-framework makeover, but having looked into organization for jewelry, plastic drawer things and even more plastic hang-y things seemed a little too sterile and arts & crafts for my liking.
Kindly displaying necklaces, earrings, bracelets, headbands & shades, this wall mounted 100 earring holder, 7 peg mahogany organizer will now keep my accessory system in check, but will inspire me to use pieces that stare me in the face ever day while adorning my wall. For your girly, girls out there — it’s available in white, too! Fingers crossed, this organization meets decoration find will veer my jewelry out of the express lane to accessory heaven.
Mahogany Wall Mounted Jewelry Organizer: $39.95
Find the Hollywood buzz in Bloomingdales this weekend that the Hollywood celebs will get at the big (can’t mention) award shows. Around the world & now in NYC.
Amazing (secret) fashion story ! YosefH