Douche Spotting: Chris Brown’s New Tattoo

Written by Casey

And the biggest docuhebag gets even douch-ier with this move…

Speaking of RiRi, (see below) let us discuss Chris Brown’s tattoo. To us, it looks like a beaten woman, uncannily similar to the photo of Rihanna’s face after she was beaten by the douche himself.

I am sure feminists and non-feminists alike are beyond offended that Chris would get a tattoo of RiRi’s beaten face, on his neck. I like to be positive (sometimes) and believe that perhaps he is he doing it to remind himself of the horrible thing he did. But who am I kidding? That’s not the reason.

He recently came out with a statement claiming the tattoo was NOT Rihanna. But he doesn’t have the best track record, so we believe he is lying.

Apparently his rep told TMZ that “His tattoo is a sugar skull (associated with the Mexican celebration of the Day of the Dead) and a MAC cosmetics design he saw. It is not Rihanna or an abused woman as erroneously reported.”

We call bullshit.

Photos [via] [via]

About the author


BLEU. She's an oasis child busy being born in New York. She lives in the East Village and spends time writing, reading, making movies, shopping at Chrome Hearts and Opening Ceremony. You might find her indulging at Momofuku, or, she is spinning off those calories at Equinox while simultaneously doing homework.

1 Comment

  • , I also think that the move on Rihanna’s part has to do with the understanding of her invlovment in the incident. Face reality, Chris didn’t just go HAM on her because he likes beating up people. What was her role in the incident? Did she provoke him? Too much in our society are women allowed to belittle men and remove any ounce of pride and respect men have for themselves, because society favor’s women over men. I’ve watched some pretty interesting videos where women are just beating the shit out of a man, and the man finally turns around an punches the chick in the face.While it’s a no-brainer that traditional women (and I say that because we have non-traditional women in our soceity, and you know who i’m talking about) are no physical competition for a traditional man, there is a little thing called common ground , where if you step into a debate with another, you better be willing to accept all blows.Now, am I saying she did anything TO provoke him? NO, but what I am saying is, WE don’t know what her role in the incident was, so judging chris brown is ridiculous and selfish of society.I mean, really, all EVERYONE knows from the story is Chris beat her up Even if she was questioned by authorities, it wouldn’t matter because that information wouldn’t have leaked to us.I’m sure Rihanna is a nice girl, but like most women, there is always a level of insecurity. She found a text she didn’t like from him, and the rest is history So, from my perspective, it seems like she may finally be owning up to HER responsibility in the incident and saying it’s not right to allow him to suffer for something WE were BOTH involved in .Mature shit

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