FDA Approves The Ultimate Morning After Pill

Written by Vivianne

Forget Plan B! The FDA just approved Plan Ella!

Forget Plan B! The FDA just approved Plan “Ella,” an emergency contraceptive solution for which you will need a prescription, but could keep a supply of at home. Kinda brilliant. Super controversial. The Washington Post reports:

Ella can cut the chances of becoming pregnant by about two-thirds for at least 120 hours after a contraceptive failure or unprotected sex, studies have shown. The only other emergency contraceptive on the market, the so-called morning-after pill sold as Plan B, is significantly less effective, becomes less effectual with each passing day and will not work after 72 hours.

The pill’s been available for a year already in Europe. Hurray for freedom of choice!


About the author


Bryce's future stay-at-home wife, but for now a prolific lifestyle writer, artist rep and full-time hustler. Loves happy hour sushi, elephants, caffeine, hiking canyons, extra dirty martinis, nerds, chocolate chip cookies, artichokes (cause they have a heart), photography, designer dresses, collecting fragrances and taking care of business.

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