Fortune and Fortunate Cookies!

Written by Linda

I had the good fortune to receive these fortune cookies…so I’m sending back some gratitude in cookie form of course!

You know it’s going to be a good day when you open the mail to cookies! I was lucky enough to do this recently and though there was probably some junk mail and a few bills in my mailbox also that day—those annoyances were easily enough discarded. Not sure to where either….

First, there was Gratitude Cookies. Can you think of any better thank you gift? The idea behind these cookies is that as you eat them you should think of what you are grateful for. Ummm…Is it bad if, as you’re eating, you’re thinking, “I’m grateful for these cookies?” Made by Zen Rabbit Cookies, these all natural, no trans-fats, cross between a butter and a sugar cookie, can be shipped anywhere in the US. At $12.95 a box for a dozen cookies, they really do make a great gift. For 50cents more Zen Rabbit will include a customized card. Just the idea that a Zen Rabbit is printing up a card with their fuzzy little Zen paws is totally worth 50cents. Something else to be thankful for is a portion of the company’s profits also go to support literacy organizations around the world. And they definitely taste better than flowers. To see more of Zen Rabbit’s products click here.

Next, there were cookies by Haute Choklet. OMG. I split one of these chocolate covered confections with a friend and was in heaven! You know how they say chocolate can release chemicals in your brain that mimic being in love? Well, with good chocolate it’s a passionate love affair. With bad chocolate it might be more like a three am drunken hook-up you can barely remember—or you’re trying to forget. This chocolate is the real deal! If it were a guy—it would be “the one.” I, being a real chocolate snob, was completely impressed. These cookies are a must have in every women’s PMS emergency kit. Seriously, it would be in the best interest of those around me if a monthly supply of these cookies were kept on hand. The company, Haute Choklet, doesn’t just coat cookies in chocolate either. In fact, their specialty is chocolate covered pretzels and they have specially designed gifts and favors for nearly every occasion. If there isn’t one for the occasion you have in mind simply contact them. As it says on their website, if you can dream it they can make it. Click here to salivate.

About the author


a mom, journalist, actress and gymnastics coach. She is a firm believer that life is too short for bad wine and not nearly long enough to taste all the good wine out there. Her two favorite times of day are happy hour and whenever she’s finished her run. While striving to add some IMDb credits to her name that pay decent residuals, she despises over-paying for anything. Her financial weaknesses are Justin and Star cowboy boots.


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