Some hilarious boob commentary, courtesy of Tumblr.
There is really no denying it, boobs are kind of funny. You might think I wouldn’t write a lot about boobs since I am a gay man, but you would be absolutely wrong. In fact, I think I write more about boobs because I am a gay man. I have a lot more to say about them, well past ‘they look nice’ or ‘I want to touch them’ (the thoughts of my straight male counterparts, FYI). There are a lot of things about breasts that don’t really make sense to me, such as why so many women are walking around wearing the wrong bra size. Is it like a rubiks cube? Also, since boobs change size and shape over time, why hasn’t anyone invented a bra that does the same thing?
READ MORE: Five Reasons Your Boobs are Sagging
I am not the only one with questions and commentary about boobs, as these screenshots from Tumblr prove. I think its high time we created an informational titty day, where we celebrate and learn about jugs in a safe, educational environment.