Enjoy the freedom of endless closet space with Garde Robe, New York’s luxury wardrobe and valet service. For those living in New York, Garde Robe offers first class storage for your off-season or infrequently worn clothing and shoes. If you are quite the traveler – no problem! Garde Robe will store travel wardrobes and pack your suitcases for you. Imagine not having to wait in baggage claim line because Garde Robe already packed your wardrobe for your trip and sent it ahead of time to your hotel. Sound like a dream come true? Garde Robe also professionally photographs and catalogues each of your wardrobe items to create your own personal Cyber Closet, accessible via Internet! If you’re looking for a specific piece of clothing, you can search for it by item, type, color, fabric, or season in order to select it for delivery with a simple mouse click. Even if you don’t need storage, Garde Robe can still photograph and organize your wardrobe to make you a Cyber Closet!
Garde Robe turns the dream of having a limitless and organized closet into a reality.
Now Id like one of these in South Florida
Thanks for the writeup Corinne! If you want to check out the cyber closet, go to http://www.garderobeonline.com/closet_sample.phtml – the link in the post doesn’t work
Style Revolution – we’re in the process of expanding to new markets, and we do have an eye on South Florida. We may set up there by the end of this year; if you’d like to get an update from me, send me an e-mail at jeremy (at) garderobeonline.com and I’ll fill you in!