A Navy vet is suing a California National park after giant falling pine cones crushed his skull.
I remember when I was a kid we always used to collect pinecones, then play with the little helicopter seed-pods that came hidden between the sharp petal-like pieces. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that pinecones were capable of murdering people, but as it turns out, they are. (File under: everything has an evil side)
Navy vet Sean Mace is suing the San Francisco Maritime National Historic Park for a cool $5 million after his skull was attacked by 16-pound pinecone. Mace was peacefully reading a book under a tree when a murderous pine cone fell from a coniferous Araucaria bidwillii tree, knocking him unconscious and causing a brain hemorrhage. Are we really living in a world where 16-pound falling pine cones are a legitimate concern for our servicemen?
We can do better, America.
Mace had to undergo two emergency surgeries to relieve pressure, lost a part of his skull, and now suffers permanent brain damage, memory loss, depression, and anxiety, which keeps him from getting a job.
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The trees, which are also known as bunya pines, aren’t native to California but were planted by park staff decades ago. Their pinecones can grow up to 40 pounds in weight. Park officials have since fenced off the grove of bunya pines and added a warning sign to scare off any daredevils, trying to chance their luck with the dangerous falling pine cones.
I guess giant seedpods shouldn’t really be a surprise since California is also known for it’s giant trees, but a poor man basically lost the entire side of his head, so I am glad something was done about these menacing pods of death.