What happens when ancient Greek statues go hipster? Not just a high end apartment rental in Brooklyn– they get cheap-looking-but-actually-expensive clothes, too.
I don’t know about you, but I have always admired statues from antiquity. Their body forms are awesome (and inspire me to stop eating so much pizza), and frankly even though most of them have tiny penises, I love the fact that they are all naked. Does anyone ever wonder if penis size is part of evolution? That being said, I think its pretty damn funny that someone decided to photoshop modern clothes onto them. These statues, which previously resembled gods, now resemble hipsters at any no-name coffee shop in Portland, Oregon or Bushwick, Brooklyn. Actually, especially Bushwick. All those hipsters are extra pasty and white.
READ MORE: Awesome Statues Around the World
Bravo to whomever took the initiative to defile these ancient works of art. It’s always good to remember just how far we have fallen from Olympus.