How to hide stretch marks? Add glitter.

Written by Bryce

How to hide stretch marks without lasers? One woman suggests glitter.

It’s no secret that the entire internet loves glitter. Seriously, glitter eyebrows and even glitter tongue are already real life instagrammables, but who knew that glitter could also be used to enhance our most feminine stretch marks?

How to hide stretch marks? Check out

Sara Shakee is a former dentist now working as a digital artist in Pakistan, where it seems she’s risen to the next level and created out-of-this-world glitter art using her own very normal, and very feminine stretch marks as the canvas. She’s taken to Instagram to show off her art and the internet is reaching out with endless applause.

She wrote most recently, “Thank you everyone for the #glitterstretchmarks response and the numerous features of my artwork! The past few days have been unreal! Good and bad, but tbh I shall always look at the good side because nothing is more powerful then giving confidence to myself along with so many women and men out there!”

How to hide stretch marks, the digital genius edition.

While her stretch mark art isn’t a process of glue and glitter IRL, it’s definitely a worthy display of digital art that makes us all step back and reconsider the way we see stretch marks and body image in general.

We love the idea of transforming what most perceive as negative into glittery, beautiful displays of modern art. Nice work, Sara!

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About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.