
How to Use Social Media to Promote your Business

how to use social media for business
Written by Guest Blogger

Using social media can impact your business signifcantly.

A recent Coschedule article states that nearly 78% of salespeople using social media are more successful than their colleagues. And almost 97% of marketers use social media to promote their business daily.

using social media for business

Marketers rely upon social media to

  1. Increase the awareness about their brand by reaching out globally to the audience from various countries
  2. Increase the traffic to the business home page or landing page, creating more visibility. The companies promote their product or service to customers visiting their webpage by collecting their email IDs.
  3. Create viral content to grab the attention of more customers towards the brand

Social media is used to promote a business in three distinct steps:

  1. The first important step is to define a specific and measurable goal and to work towards attaining it.
  2. Using various tools and metrics to measure the goal attainment progress. Conducting social media audits to know whether you are traveling on the right path.
  3. Using the same tools to analyze competitor growth and integrate the positive and creative means they use in the self-brand promotion

Set Specific Goals and Objectives

The marketing team and the social media team should work together to create a measurable goal. Do not aim to get more likes, views, or subscribers. Set clear objectives on goals, like higher conversion rate, gathering valuable and implementable customer feedback, increasing overall brand visibility, etc.

Define clear metrics to achieve, set a time frame, and work towards achieving the goal. For example, suppose you are a new business or a small business with less visibility or launching a new product. In that case, the primary goal should be to create brand awareness among 1 million people within three months. If your aim is to increase the conversion rate – set a goal to convert 20% to 30% of the 1 million people into buying customers within a specific time frame.

Debate with the marketing team and ensure the goals are achievable and can be duplicated or replicated consistently. The objectives set should also be relevant and profitable to the company, as spending a considerable amount of money on social media marketing and ending up with ill-defined but easily achievable results won’t help.

Once you are clear on your goals, define the persona of your target audience clearly, including factors like their age, spending capacity, their problem your product solves, the type of content that attracts them, etc.

The last but most crucial step is choosing the right social media channel or platform in which your target audience engages comfortably and frequently. For example, most people aged 40 to 55 use Twitter regularly. But, most people aged 55 to 70 prefer Facebook. If you are creating a diabetes-related product for customers in the age group 40 to 60, you should provide two different kinds of data in these platforms to attract your audience.

Tools, Metrics, and Social Media Audit

Social media managers should concentrate on four different types of metrics.

Awareness Metrics: It tracks the increase in brand awareness, the growth rate of the viewers or audience, and the reach of the posts or content uploaded on various social media platforms through these metrics. Use a branding tool like Hootsuite, Google Alerts, Brand24, Brand watch, and Social mention to track how many times your brand gets mentioned on social media, the potential reach of your posts, etc.

Engagement Metrics: Track how many likes and shares your post gets, how many comments your post receives, and how many customers who view them mention it in their tweets or posts inspired by its contents. Also, track if any of your content goes viral and is loved by social media, making your brand quite famous quickly.

Conversion Metrics: These metrics track how many social media viewers visit the website and subscribe for a service or a newsletter inspired by the social media content. Conversion metrics are the key to redefining your content and making the customer take actions that earn you sales. 

A good ad manager will give you data regarding the three essential metrics: Click-through rate (CTR), Bounce rate (BR), and Cost-per-click rate (CPC). There are specific ways to check social media conversion and engagement rate, which measure how many people give helpful comments and feedback regarding your brand, or talk about it.

Customer-related Metrics: They engage the customers in small surveys or feedback forms to give ratings regarding the brand, promotion strategies, and product quality. The data collected are usually known as CSAT or customer satisfaction score, or Net Promoter Score (NPS). It varies from asking the customers to rate how likely they are to promote this particular brand to others to requesting them to give their own opinions about the product.

Social Media Audit

Performing a social media audit every three to six months using all these metrics will help in intensifying the marketing. For example, social media audits will enable you to find out which platform brings in the least traffic and redesign content on them. Collect the address details of the customers who give valuable feedback using Nuwber and thank them with a small gift and showcase the event on social media. This step will increase the brand image and loyalty among the customers. It will also inspire other social media followers to use the product and give productive feedback to get recognized and rewarded. 

Competitor Analysis

Use the same tools to find the metrics of the competitor. Follow their social media platforms closely and note the inspiring ways they interact with the customers. Create your campaign based on the same or similar method. Having access to crucial competitor metrics is always beneficial to target the audience earlier and in a more efficient way.


Promote your business or products using social media by setting a clear objective and using the right tools and metrics to achieve them within a specific time frame. Pay immense attention to following your crucial competitor’s social media presence and ensure you do not lack behind them in any way. Use the right tools to measure social media brand awareness, engagement, conversion rate, and customer-based metrics. Conduct social media audit every six months to identify the weak social media platforms and redesign them to get more engagement.

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Guest Blogger

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