Family Health HEALTH Mom Health

I Mean, He’s Going To Be Annoyed With Me

Written by Emily

Ohhh the anticipation of parenthood.  The joys, the excitement, and the wondering of who the baby daddy is.  Thank you Yahoo! Answers for making the future guests of Maury all feel wanted and not alone.  Perfection.

Picture 16

About the author


a native New Yorker with an enormous brain that's on a never-ending quest for high style, men with accents, and any place with a disco ball. Fastest way to her heart is a guy that loves sushi and knows the difference between "there," "their," and "they're."


  • I’m at a lose of words. I could say so much but me shrugging my shoulders, palms facing up, head turned slightly to the side with a look of sheer shock truly sums it up.

  • Sorry, but DNA testing will be routine ten years from now. If I found out a baby wasn’t mine and I had cared for that child for years, I know that I would abandon it at an orphanage or divorce my wife.

  • Ballsack Johnstone’s mom had to tell his dad that her son was the real father of his brother.

    Think on it.

  • In certain states, no matter who actually fathers the child – if the woman is married, the child belongs to the husband. So in order for your brother in law to have any “rights” to that child, your husband would have to sign off. Doesn’t matter – re:DNA — any child born in that marriage is his child by law. Makes me wonder how YOU know it’s the brother-in-laws and not your husbands — and if you are that sure, wouldn’t he be as well?

  • this is the most revolting thing i have ever heard.

    you should be ashamed of yourself, and if i were your husband, i’d leave you. i assume the relationship your husband and his brother once had will be over or forever tarnished by your selfishness (along with the brothers). and your poor child who has to grow up with a role model like you, and the clear values and morals you DO NOT hold.

    please dont have any more children, there is enough shitty people in the world as is.

    on that note. truth will set you free, even if it hurts. but if you never take responsibility for your actions that affect not only YOU (which is what you seem to be the only thing you are really concerned with), your in for some serious karma.

    tampering with other peoples lives and emotions is something most people do not look kindly on.

  • You know Emily, having children is hereditary, if your mother and father didn’t have any children then the chances are you won’t either.
    What an interesting, fun article but why is it that some Americans have difficulty with irony?

    It is probably going t be a “grudge baby”- someone had it in for the husband.

    Take good care and continue getting as much joy as you can everyday.

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