iFog, FREE iphone apps!

Written by Bryce

iFog allows you to treat your iPhone like a frosty glass or steamy window: Blow air on the device’s microphone (located at the bottom) and the screen will get fogged up! You can then use your finger to write, sketch, or doodle. Shake your Phone and the fog and writing disappear and you get a clear screen again.
The coolest thing is ‘secret message’: When the screen is clear of fog, write something (‘you’re hot’ is my favorite). Now hand it over to your friend and ask her to blow on the mic. The secret message will magically appear through the fog!

Great conversation piece, and good fun at all social settings (especially on New Year’s Eve when the room is too loud to say “do me” you can just steam up your phone and show the hottie next to you)!

It’s normally only .99 cents to download, but iFog is offering FREE DOWNLOADS to the first 30 people that email them with “TheLuxurySpot” in the subject line today! Email them at [email protected]

Steam Up Your Screen!

Steam Up Your Screen!

Check out the video to see how it works:

And then get it straight from itunes at:

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.


  • I LOVE ifog! So cool 🙂 I use it to write cute messages to my boyfriend (say, “hot stuff”) and then ask hand him the phone and ask him to blow on it. Then, when the secret message appears etched in the fog, he is all over me 🙂

  • hey isnt this an imitation for isteam?
    i did tha same thing with the latter gazillions of times
    not very interactive, tried it but can only make you a fool trying to blow and not responding
    if you dont have a girflriend already dont try it – if you got free time for blowing, go for it, or not

  • I downloaded this app after reading your review but I was quite disappointed that the pictures shown here, looking like it has droplets, are a bit misleading. It just looked like a chalky screen. A nice idea for writing ‘secret’ messages to friends but then I discovered isteam on gizmodo, which does all the same things but looks much more realistic. It has water-like droplets, more realistic fog and it’s a free one!!