Nation, Let Me School You

Written by Bryce

Attention retarded Americans: You’re all schmucks.

You’re under the impression that the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice was just named.  You’re idiots.  We already had one, and he served over 75 years ago.  Benjamin Nathan Cardozo served as a U.S. Supreme Court Justice from 1932-1938, and is of Sephardic ancestry.  That means he’s a Spanish Jew, which I think qualifies him for ultra-minority status, right?  Benjamin Nathan Cardozo’s padre was Judge Albert Cardozo, president and trustee of the most famous Spanish-Portuguese synagogue in the United States.  The synagogue is the oldest in the Western hemisphere, and was founded in Recife, Brazil around 1630 and moved to NYC in 1654.


Benjamin Nathan Cardozo spoke LADINO, which is a Spanish dialect, and I’m pretty sure he was saying “Hola, soy la ley,” way before Sotomayor’s conception.  I’m proud of this, and Sr. Cardozo, because I share the same rich heritage as him.


So, Obama, I invite you to do a little more research before you make bold statements like “the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice,”  when referring to the lovely Sotomayor.  She’s done wonders for the spirits of her community and the pride of women, but is by no means the first.  She’s the first in a while.

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.


  • WOW what a well-informed and blunt article!
    “Attention Retarded Americans” is….is….is… I only wish I would have the courage to say something like that 😀

  • Yeah, I never claimed to be the first to say it… I just thought I’d bring it to a wider audience. Most young women aren’t reading the WSJ or US News

  • got here via twitter.

    Thanks for pointing this out. I have to say that I was also ignorant to this fact as well. However, some “La Raza” latinos wouldn’t classify Cardoza as a true hispanic, and with Sotomayor being one of those .. well you know.

    Also, I don’t understand what the dig deal is. There have been many hispanics that have laid the ground work for this to happen; but because of their political affiliation, it was overlooked or ignored by the mainstream media. Off the top of my head, there is Linda Chavez (highest ranking official in Reagan’s white house) and then Alberto Gonzales (first Hispanic Attorney General). They are, of course, right wing neo conservative wack jobs so they don’t count. ; )

    Urban considers himself schooled today….


    This little-known fact has been driving me crazy ever since Sotomayor was nominated, especially as a former law-grad that has studied Cardozo’s opinions. I know that the mainstream media have nothing else to conjure up at the moment, hence all the attention, but it really goes to prove the ignorance of the general public when it comes to minorities in leadership positions. She deserves recognition, because she is in fact the first female hispanic Supreme Court judge, but I am ready for her to be known for her judicial decisions more than her racial heritage and gender.