TweetYour snack and food choices really do matter… It’s tough to stay away from unhealthy...
Category - HEALTH
Why Chocolate Should Be an Everyday Food
TweetHere’s the scientific proof that you NEED chocolate… Chocolate is one of those foods you...
The Wonderful World of Gut Bacteria
TweetYou’d be amazed by what goes on inside your intestines! Gut bacteria plays a very...
Depression Linked to Type 2 Diabetes Risk?
TweetBeing sad can increase your risk of health problems! Diabetes is one of the most serious...
Exercise the New Anti-Cancer Remedy
TweetCould exercise fight cancer? Exercise is, without a doubt, important for your health! It plays...
EPIC FAIL! Americans Fail Healthy Lifestyle Evaluation
TweetHow low we have fallen! How can you define “good health”? According to Wikipedia...
Bad Diet, No Exercise? Get Ready for Premature Aging!
TweetYour lifestyle choices may be aging you prematurely… Everyone is afraid to grow old. Not in...
The Key to Happiness: More Exercise
TweetIt’s almost too simple! Happiness isn’t always easy to come by. Some people...
Love Eggs? Don’t Worry About Your Cholesterol!
TweetRead on to dispel the myths about eggs… For decades, people have been wary about eating eggs...
Love Hormones Nasal Spray May Help You Lose Weight
TweetHow oxytocin can help to prevent weight gain… What is the hardest part about losing weight...
GMO Mosquitoes are real, and really scary
TweetA horror movie may soon come to life near you… Unstoppable mosquitos of death and destruction:...