TweetDopamine and serotonin are 2 of the neurochemicals that make you happy. Here’s how they...
Category - HEALTH
Citrus Fruits for Erectile Dysfunction
TweetCitrus fruits for erectile dysfunction– yup, it works. Ahh, sex, what a wonderful part...
Genetically Modified Human Embryos: What You Need to Know
TweetGenetically modified human embryos are happening, and it’s not science fiction. The...
Take February 2016 by Storm in NYC (fitness, milkshakes, and...
TweetGroundhog Punxsutawney Phil Didn’t See His Shadow, but You Can Still Make Like Snowmageddon...
High Fiber Diet Linked to Lowered Cancer Risk
TweetHere’s more proof you need to eat more fiber! It’s a well-established fact that...
Marijuana Suppositories: High Times for Medicine
TweetMarijuana suppositories are the new PMS drug that everyone’s talking about. No...
10 Thermogenic Spices to try for Weight Loss
TweetTheremogenic spices are the new “it” way to drop small extra weight. You’d...
10 Worst Acid Reflux Foods to Avoid Before Bed
TweetBe wise with your late-night snacking! Acid reflux is a painful condition, one that affects up...
7 Worst Chinese Takeout Dishes
TweetThe worst Chinese takeout dishes aren’t the ones you’d expect. When you want...
Link Between Refined Soy and Cancer, Inflammation
TweetIt’s not as safe as you might think… Soy is a vegetarian and vegan alternative to animal...
Cumin Linked to Weight Loss
TweetTake this spice to shed pounds! Everyone is looking for the next weight loss...