TweetAs nutritious as they are delicious! Prickly pears, or “tuna fruit” as...
Category - HEALTH
8 Prebiotic Foods to Eat Now
TweetProbiotics are all the rage these days—from kombucha tea to probiotic yoghurts to kefir to...
Bikini Model’s Weight Gain Signals Cancer & Cushings...
TweetA former bikini model’s weight gain was the main clue to her cancer and Cushings disease...
Your Brain May Copy Only One Parent’s Genes
TweetThe results may be VERY visible! Parents always say they can’t have a favorite child...
Prebiotic Foods May Improve Sleep
TweetGood news: prebiotic foods may improve sleep, proving that a little bacteria-friendly food...
You May Need a Metal Detox if You’re Gluten Free
TweetFurther proof gluten-free diets may not be the heathiest choice… Going gluten-free has become...
These Underpants Could Safeguard Against Testicular Radiation...
TweetProtect your manhood! Up until 100 years ago, few people had ever heard of radiation, and...
Does the Fast Diet Work? Yes, Here’s How
TweetHere’s what you need to know about the fasting diet… Many people have taken a look at...
Your Apple Shaped Body May Mean Diabetes Down the Road
TweetYour apple shaped body may be linked to diabetes. It’s amazing how many different types...
Could Your Job Affect Your Fertility?
TweetYour work may be more damaging than you’d expect! There are SO MANY factors that can...
Is Your Pregnancy Making Your Husband Depressed?
TweetIt’s more than just sympathy pains! Pregnancy can be a pretty tough time of life for...