It’s a Chipotle world out there, and we are all just living in it.
A burrito baby
Some people are strangely obsessed with Chipotle. While I admit that I love a good pork burrito as much as the next homo, I will also never eat it unless I am within a five-mile radius of a bathroom. Chipotle is my favorite hangover food, and there are few other chain restaurants out there where that can guarantee I won’t be hungry again in two hours. That being said, I am not as Chipotle-crazy as some people.
From burrito babies to Chipotle birthday cakes, some people take their love of Chipotle too far. Today we celebrate those people, who brave diarrhea every day for the sake of the perfect guacamole.
READ MORE: 15 Most Dangerous Fast Foods
Shameless Chipotle parenting
Whoever ate this Chipotle birthday cake
The owner of this Chipotle burrito tat
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