Peeping Tom: The Gay Edition

Written by Bryce

I hope everyone out there enjoys this photo of the community board battle that’s basically rocked our socks off.  Don’t worry, he wasn’t that creepy… he was just looking for his pussy in her bush.


Thanks, PassiveAggressiveNotes!

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.


  • Anyone else disturbed that people who can’t differentiate between the proper use of “your” and “you’re” are allowed to rent apartments?

  • Bad news – he only admitted to not being the “peeing” tom.

    The creeper must still be at large.

  • DG that is why they rent and not own.
    Scott – he admits it was him but that he is not a PT – just gay and short a cat.
    I am sharing this – can’t help myself.

  • First of all, people need to stop bitching about the “your” vs. “you’re” problem. I can be a grammar nazi at times as well, but expecting every single use of “your” and “you’re” to be correct is just absurd. Also, both postings were nearly spotless (aside from some spelling issues), and you’re bitching about one single misused instance of “your.” It wasn’t a recurring mistake, and the man is clearly not illiterate. If you honestly believe that one mistake should invalidate someone from renting an apartment, you have more issues than either of the posters’ makers.

  • @dg

    i agree…
    but are you referring to “YOUR EXTREMELY DISTURBED AND DISGUSTED NEIGHBOR” then you’re mistaken. she was signing off the letter as in “your friend, devin!”

  • Comedy Gold. I bet she walks around naked and stares at the window hoping to catch “pervvy” people

    #11- the accused spelled it wrong once…. “don’t walk around…naked while your windows are open”

    /you know, even if words are spelled wrong- or incorrectly used, it makes it more believable. Both letters were obviously written in haste- so something is bound to be messed up. If both used perfect grammar/spelling/punctuality, I’d be suspicious of this being staged.

  • uh… *edit* to my reply to #11 “Don’t walk around…with your windows open while *your* naked…”

    *sigh* I’m illiterate

  • i love it when people use the word “whom” incorrectly just because they heard someone intelligent use it.

  • You people accusing them of being illiterate are complete morons. You obviously don’t know how “your” and “you’re” work. And don’t knock people who rent. Almost everybody rents before buying. I’m 20, I pay rent, and I know the difference between “your” and “you’re”.

    You’re a fucking idiot. See?

  • “I’m not creepy… in fact, I’m ‘quite’ gay” (which should also explain the magnitude of the dingleberries clinging to my balls)
    I like how he insists that being gay is, in fact, the POLAR OPPOSITE of being creepy…