Dresses FASHION Jewelry Shoes and Accessories

Pregnancy Craves of the Day: Fashion and Footwear

Written by Bryce

Ahoy! It’s week 29 and I feel about to burst. The idea of another 11 weeks is basically unbearable to me, so I’ve been distracting myself with fashionable fantasies. Check out my latest craves:

1. Good footwear is a necessity. Anyone who has ever carried a child (or ever will) probably already knows the uncomfortable throbbing foot syndrome that plagues pregnant women- a direct result of carrying way too much weight for way too long. I recently found Therafit Shoes and basically went hogwild. I have them in black, pink and black, bright pink, and just about every other color ever made. Why? Because Therafits and flip flops are basically the only shoes I’ve deemed kosher for periods stretching beyond 30 minutes at this point. They have patented comfort technology that beats the holy moly out of any other sneaker, and did I mention they come in hot pink? And every shoe purchased = a donation to an awesome charity (and you can pick which charity is nearest and dearest to your heart). Basically it’s the magic formula… hot looking shoes + total comfort + charitable contribution = never wearing other sneakers ever again unless they have rocket boosters. Their new site launches in a couple weeks, so stay tuned, these are going to be the IT kicks of the upcoming fashion season.

2. Thigh Highs, Baby! Good news, they’re totally back, and beyond totally back, thigh highs fit pregnant girls with ease because there’s simply no belly involvement. I’m loving these by Hanes because they’re about $10 a pop, wear well, and you can do that sheer, sexy look that Kate Middleton is always rocking without having to inhale so deeply that your fetus gets caught in your ribs.

3. Consigned Accessories. Who knows if your hormones are affecting your style (mine have a bit, I’ve been attracted to totally off-my-norm colors), so why invest boatloads of money in jewelry you might not wear beyond the 9th month? I’m totally digging StockingConsignment.com because of their mom & pop approach. They’re a small, hand-cultivated company that has honestly good picks at prices low enough to make you sort of not care about purchasing “maternity jewelry.”

4. Maternity-meets-magical-n0n-maternity. HATCH COLLECTION, you have done it again. I thought I was in love with the t-shirt dress before, but this slouch dress recently caught my eye and I’m basically getting all hormonal just thinking about it. It’s slouchy (on trend for 2012, check!), it’s silk (on par with my expensive taste, check!), it’s flatter for preggoz and un-preggoz alike (perfect for me sharing with friends and feeling cute after baby pops out, check!), and it’s not wildly expensive (can buy it in 2 colors, CHECK!).

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.