As a society, we’ve come to understand – and accept – that ‘Bros’ are not going anywhere. There’s Dude-Bros, and Chill-Bros, and Dad-Bros. Bros are like… pornography. We can’t define ‘Bro’, but we know it when we see it. That being said, there’s a Bro movement happening that I can’t wrap my head around. Bro Tips attempts to dispense, well, ‘Bro Tips’ that don’t seem very bro-ish. In fact, they seem to be the anti-Bro.
I mean, these tips are generally helpful and non-malicious. I don’t know that they accurately reflect Bro culture, though. These tips are for like… Modern Day Jesus Bros. Take a girl out and don’t expect sex? Abandon the phrase ‘No homo’? Perish the thought! Bros are kind of simpleminded and stereotypical – it’s why we love and hate them. If the site were called Anti-bro Tips, I’d be 100% behind the movement. But Bros will be Bros. Save the etiquette lesson for someone who stands to learn from it, not someone who wears visors in public.