The rare Ayam Cemani chicken breed is black, both inside and out.
Pardon the pun, but when I think of a big black cock, I am not normally envisioning actual poultry.
The Ayam Cemani breed of chicken may look photoshopped, but it is indeed black, from its feathers to its organs. The bird’s meat, bones, and beak are all black too, stemming from a rare, but natural genetic trait known as ‘fibromelanosis’.
Before you go out looking to buy one as a pet though, you should know that these chickens are so rare they cost between $1,999 and $2,500 a pop. Some breeders and specialty stores sell fertile eggs for far less though.
I have a feeling the novelty of owning a black cock would wear off, since it costs as much as one month’s rent in Manhattan. It is still nice to know that they are out there, however.