The Sisters of the Valley are a group of nuns who harvest marijuana for medicinal purposes (of course).
What would you do if I told you there is a troupe of non-earthly religion practicing nuns that spend their life growing and harvesting weed for medicinal purposes? You would probably say, ‘only in California’, and you would be absolutely right.
Based in the Central Valley of Cali, the Sisters of the Valley make cannabis-infused tinctures, oils, and salves, as well as other products related to medical marijiuana. Because sometimes the connection to God is using all the different plants and species created on this Earth. I mean, that’s one way to look at it, anyway.
According to the Sisters of the Valley website, “We, The Sisters prepare all medicines during moon cycles, according to ancient wisdom. We are activists who are on a mission to heal the world.”
If you can’t tell by that mission statement, they obviously smoke what they grow, which I thought was going against the first rule of dealing, but what do I know. Photographers Shaugn Crawford and John Dubois captured the nuns doing what they do best in the featured photos.
So check out the shots, and if you feel the calling, head out to California and join them in their spiritual purpose. I still don’t see why they don’t use these nuns in those ‘visit California’ TV commercials instead of the Kardashians, but whatever.
READ MORE: Grandmas Smoking Weed for the First Time