Every summer, an exodus happens in New York. Especially those seeking refuge from the slow-walking, gawking, and ridiculously lost tourists need look no further. Free summer concerts abound. My favorite is River to River Festival because of the free high caliber dance, theater, music, and more!
Shameless plug: I will be performing with Gabrielle Lanser & Company the first two weeks in August at the Mary Miss Bridge in the South Cove section of Battery Park. (more on this later on)
I visited Governors Island last summer and rented a bike to ride around the entire island. It was unreal that this island is part of New York. The houses on the island are reminiscent of suburbia and were either open to the public to peruse or used as an art gallery or eerily abandoned. In the future, the island will be home to 100 acres of public green space. This translates to picnics, pick up games of soccer, biking trails, weddings, etc.