FASHION Shoes and Accessories

Style Spotting: Crazy Cat Pasties

Because we love all things cat related around here…

Well, these crazy kitten pasties certainly bring a whole new meaning to the word “Catnip,” don’t they!? Dubbed the “Scaredy Cat” Pasties, they’re “individually handcrafted with extreme attention to detail, pride and love.” But let’s get to the real point here and talk about the fact that we’d die to see the look on the poor guy’s face who thought he was getting lucky until he lifted up his date’s shirt and got a peek at these. MEOWWWWW. No copping a feel for you tonight, buddy!

$45 at

About the author

Elizabeth Mitchell

Born and raised in NC, Liz attended college at NYU before making the move to the City of Angels where she currently resides. She has an uncanny love for all things neon, prefers regular to diet and secretly wishes she were a hipster because it’d be ironic. Follow her on twitter at your own risk: @emitchell456