A word so heinous, it should be considered only 4 letters… BACNE is a beauty taboo that most people only talk about in private, with their derm. Or to themselves in the mirror, asking “WHY ME?!” Prevent it & destroy it with these zit-zapping products.

- got2b rockin’ it dry shampoo [$5.99 ulta.com]: The combination of harsh hair treatments, pore-clogging hair products & shampoos containing panthenol can take a tolls on your skin. Go longer between washing & styling with a dry shampoo that becomes invisible, to get another day out of your wash.
- Goody Simple Styles Spin Pin [$6.29 target.com or drugstores nationwide]: Speaking of your strands, if you’re planning on going wash-free, prep the night before, with your dry shampoo & this super simple trick: Gather hair up in a high pony (minus the elastic) making sure all hair is smoothed with a brush. Twist pony tight, and twirl in to a high ballerina bun, securing only with 2-4 of these spin pins. Hair will release in the AM with body and shine withOUT the kinks of using a hair elastic or a clip. Simply brush, fix your bangs & you’re off! The moral of this story? Hair products will stay in your HAIR, and not on your pillowcase, cheeks & sheets, in turn keeping your slumbering skin clean.
- PURPOSE Gentle Cleansing Wash [$9.99 at drugstores nationwide]: A good body wash with acne-fighting substance could be too harsh for the skin on the back – even making bacne worse by drying out surrounding areas, making that backless dress look like a big ol’ mess. Opt for a gentle, simple cleanser that will skin of rid dirt, oil & fibers that won’t break the bank. Drugstore brand PURPOSE is under $10 & super duper effective. At that price, you won’t feel guilty using a little extra to get your entire back clean as a whistle.
- Borghese Long Handle Back Brush [$14.99 borghese.com]: Use said cleanser on a bristled back brush for extra exfoliation, whisking away dead skin cells & pore gunk all while revving up circulation. Skin will feel smooth without irritation, and the long sturdy handle reaches not only hard to reach back areas, but is perfect for getting legs, arms & feet silky smooth.
- MyChelle Clear Skin Serum [$31 mychelle.com] Steer clear of drying spot treatments, covering the entire acne-ridden area with a water based serum to both moisturize & treat. MyChelle’s Clear Skin Serum uses Retinol to resurface skin and clear pore-blocking debris while using Montmorillonite clay to detoxify and absorb excess oil. SCO2 Totarol™, a botanically-derived antibacterial, and B Vitamins assists in the growth and repair of skin tissues. In normal-people terms? Clear skin is imminent.
- Austraian Gold Continuous Spray SPF 8 with Instant Bronzer [$10.49 australiangold.com]: Once you’re ready to hit the sun, make sure to protect skin with SPF to keep sun-ridden irritation at bay, with at LEAST an SPF 8. AG’s continuous spray products will give great coverage for the back, while this particular instant bronzer prod will give your skin a beautiful glow without harmful rays that can induce back blotches & spots. Your back will be beach beautiful in no-time!
disclosure: samples were provided for review.