Tell Jimmy Kimmel to Suck My…

Written by Bryce

If you have a kid or functioning reproductive organs, this is worth watching.

Dear parents and people who know kids,

Jimmy Kimmel recently encouraged parents across the country to offer their children one early holiday gift and replace the normal toy or exciting item with something totally crappy… like a half-eaten sandwich. What the parents recorded is pretty priceless, and reminds us all that children in America are spoiled SOB’s. That being said, we should each have at least 3-4 children so we know that the American population will outdo the population of any other country (buzz off, China). Get out there and breed!


Bryce Gruber

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a Manhattanite mom who can be found jet-setting off to every corner of the globe. She loves exotic places, being fully rested and writing for some of the world's most popular news outlets.

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