When you encounter a truly bad parking job, its important to speak up for yourself.
One of the first things they should teach you in driving school, is how NOT to be an asshole. Unfortunately in America the educational system leaves a little to be desired, and we are a country full of asshole drivers. In major cities everyone drives really fast and plays bumper bingo when it comes time to park. In small cities, people are so obsessed with their financed 2014 Hyundais that they park them in the farthest reaches of the Walmart parking lot, taking up 4 complete spaces. No matter where you go, it’s fairly easy to find asshole parkers, and as an American, it is your right to let a bitch know.
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These ‘bad parking’ notes are the perfect way to tell the asshole drivers you encounter exactly what you think of them. I wrote the last one myself, so feel free to print it out and carry it with you everywhere, just in case you need it.