This jeep is the perfect vehicle for your macho boyfriend, or lesbian gal pal.
After thinking about the previous line, I would also like to say that any girl, lesbo or not that drove this Jeep would probably look like the biggest badass in the world, so if you’re into tricked out truckery, look no further. Bruiser Conversions is a company out of Clearwater, Florida (lol, where else?) that customizes Jeeps and GM engines into badass machines that would make any man with a tiny dick squeal with glee. I’m not going to bore you with all the details of what they did to create this monster machine, (available here) but just suffice it to say if you are looking for a vehicle that could survive the both zombie apocalypse and trek through the Amazon rainforest, I think this customized Jeep is the answer to all your macho-man prayers.
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It may absolutely destroy the environment, but it will look mighty masculine while it does so.