We like to joke around a lot here at The Luxury Spot, but one thing we don’t like to make light of is our health and yours. You may have the latest social media, music and Angry Birds apps on your smart phone, but here’s an app that could potentially save your life – or the life of someone close to you. An accident can happen at anytime and anywhere, that’s why physician Dr. Bruce W. Moskowitz, M.D., P.L. came up with the Emergency Medical Center Locator for iPhone. The EMCL app can tell you not only where the closest emergency room is, but also the closest emergency room most qualified to help you and your specific emergency. The app is free so no excuses, guys!
And while you’re browsing the App Store, download these must-have health apps, too:
Fooducate – This awesome app let’s you scan the barcode of anything at your neighborhood grocery store and then reveal what you’re really eating. The app will tell you the health benefits of your chosen food product and whether or not it’s really good for you. I wouldn’t let it scan that box of brownies if I were you. The app can even give you healthier alternatives to your favorite guilty pleasures.
Sleep Cycle – Ever notice how you can get only four hours of sleep one night and wake up fine, but sleep for six hours the next night and have a hard time getting up? That’s because your sleep (like a washing machine) has cycles, and if you are woken up during your deep sleep cycle, you’ll feel cranky and tired. However, if you awake during your lightest sleep cycle, you’ll wake up refreshed. The Sleep Cycle alarm clock synchronizes itself to your sleep cycle to wake you up at your lightest sleep so that you can rise, shine and kick ass.