Tranny Came Out on MTV, So Baptist University Expelled Her

Written by Bryce

Well, this just can’t be right.

If you think this headline is a joke, well, sadly it’s not. Domaine Javier finished her basic courses at her local community college and then transferred to California Baptist University on an academic scholarship to finish a degree in nursing. By all accounts, she was more or less a model student until her stint on MTV’s True Life. After her episode about being transgendered aired, the university expelled her for “identity concealment.” Girl, if everyone I knew exposed their REAL selves… they’d be out of jobs, marriages, families, and likely in jail.

Javier marked “female” as her sex on her university application, but when the school discovered the Real Life episode during a background check, they sent her a letter temporarily expelling her for “’committing or attempting to engage in fraud, or concealing identity,’ and for presenting false or misleading information in university judicial processes.” The school will decide what to do after they hold hearings on the matter.

Javier said, “I was devastated, because I really, really wanted to attend this campus. I didn’t know [the Baptists] were that extreme.” She turned down a offer from Cal State San Bernardino, a school that would have been forbidden for kicking out a trans student thanks to laws against gender identity discrimination. But as a private school, California Baptist University can kick out whoever the hell they damn well please.

[ via queerty ]

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.