Win a Camcorder from DXG!

Written by Ashley

DXG Luxe Collection $149.99ร‚

Want to win one of these fab official Luxe Collection Miss Universe 2009 DXG Camcorder?”

WELL, Here’s your chance.


Enter your email below – and comment back with an answer to the following question:

If you could follow a celebrity around for 1 day and film their life, who would it be and why?

Make sure you mention which Miss Universe 2009 edition cam you would like to use: find them HERE

The most ridic answer will grant you a WIN for the DXG Camcorder contest — good luck! ( And make sure to enter your email below!)


About the author


a fun-loving, twenty-something living in Brooklyn. She spends most of her time absorbing all the life, tofu and whiskey that NYC has to offer. Her current obsessions? BDG High-waisted leggings, vintage boot shopping in Williamsburg, Katherine Kwei's sling bag and Melanie Marie's two-finger horn ring.


  • I would follow the balloon boy. What fun trips he has. If the last stunt was “for the show”, imagine what he would do if he really had someone interested in his doings. Hell, he might even come out of the box!

  • Kanye west! I would love to learn how to be obnoxious, agressive and rude. Tired of people walking all over me ๐Ÿ˜€
    all these camcorders are hot hot hoot! If i’d have to choose, I would take the black one

  • Tawny Kitaen, the 80’s music video star [‘Here we go again’] known for her love of all things “recreational,” who was charged with domestic violence against her ex-hubby, professional baseball player Chuck Finley.

    The day’s filiming (to be done with a lovely Blue Argyle Soho 720p HD Camcorder) would include documentary-esque footage that I could repackage and sell to multiple outlets to be used as:
    (1) an expose into D-list celebrity lives,
    (2) extra COPS material,
    (3) some reality rehab show,
    (4) a film similar to the movie Blow,
    (5) another season of Surreal Life,
    (6) an entry video for acceptance into the show ‘Intervention’
    (7) a guest appearance on ‘It’s always Sunny…’
    (8) a TLC show on plastic surgeries that went wrong
    (9) an educational video on why kids shouldn’t do drugs,
    (10) an instructional video for college-aged students on pharmacology, chemistry and herbology.

    [DISCLAIMER: Filming is contingent on Tawny not attacking me with a stiletto heel while driving a vehicle]

  • I would follow, with the Pink Argyle Luxe Collection Miss Universe 2009 DXG Camcorder, Seth Green. I think that he would be a lot of fun and have great stories since he is rarely in the tabs and he’s been an actor since he’s 8 years old (or maybe 7). He’s worked with amazing people and has an amazing personality. You have to love Robot Chicken and Family Guy!

  • i would follow sarah palin so she can show me russia from her house and i can film it with my new beautiful pink camcorder:))))

  • Perhaps not celebrity status [yet] – but many times when out with my girl friends we wish that we had a camcorder so we could record all the funny shiz that goes down in our own little reality world…unpromted, unlike many of the so-called reality shows on tv! but on the other hand, i’d love to record a day in the life of britney spears.

    As far as the style, Ima go with the Pink Argyle Soho 720p Camcorder, please! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I would try to find the most crazy person I ran into in y first 24 hours ever in NYC: meatpack jack. He invited us to his ” place” for an afterparty, in the middle of the night, when Kiss&Fly and Cielo were long closed. We ended up dancing in a real meathouse, amongst meat hooks and blood stench. He told us about his crazy gettogethers with people he met on Craigslist, and their weird escapades in swingers clubs. If all of it were true, it would be an amazing documentary!

  • I would follow Jesus on Good Friday, Year 32 CE… so they would once and for all stop blaming the jews! Or maybe I would follow JFK on November 22, 1963 so I could yell DUCK!

  • I would follow Ellen Degeneres…& join her & Portia de Rossi in their lesbian rondez vous…my lesbian alter ego will turn both of them out …I will have it all on my new 720 Miss Universe 2009 DXG Black Camcorder to show how i turn Ellen out…& I will do her dance afterward…LOL!!!

  • I would use my pink camcorder to film lindsay lohan i have no interest in her whatsoever but she is always getting into trouble im sure i would get great coverage to post!

  • I would use the black camcorder to follow Ashton around. He can’t look that cute 24-7! And besides…he would enjoy it.

  • I would use my black camcorder to follow Michael Jackson around. I’m sure everyone would love to see his reaction to the new movie. At the end I’d be sure to add “This is really it” prior to the closing credits.

  • I would follow around Jon Gosselin with my Black Luxe Collection Miss Universe 2009 DXG Camcorder. I would also take a bottle of tequila and everytime he did something douche-like I would take a shot and record what he did and the amount of shots I took…

    I better take TWO bottles of tequila.

  • I would use my Riviera 720p HD Camcorder in Pink to follow around Kermit and Miss Piggy. This couple would make an excellent E True Hollywood story. I always wondered what goes on backstage during the Muppet Show. Where do they go afterwards? Are they secretly married, still dating, or is it all a show for the public? Enquiring minds want to know ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I would love to have the ‘Riviera 720p HD Camcorder, Black’ and I would follow Jack Black! He seems down to earth, but very goofy and original! I think there is no way you could predict what might end up on film with him around! Maybe we would work on the Next Tenacious D video! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Thanks for the chance to win! I don’t have a video camera, so everyone in my life would probably be subject to constant filming if I won!

  • I would follow Will Smith! I believe he’s an amazing person. Full of positive energy, and great aura around him. He seems like he has learned sooo much throughout his life and has a lot to teach. If you watch him speak you can tell he has a lot of passion in whatever he does, and he motivates you with his words…

    I will def. love to meet Will in person.


  • Most defiantly would be America’s attention hungry…Richard Heene (AKA Balon Boys Father). I mean why not! Even a great mind can not predicts the events I could catch spending one day with this man!

    Appearing on ABC’s Wife Swap and going reckless on the poor woman, it is no doubt he will give me hell. Oh, and maybe some alien sightings! Now that I think of it, finding aliens won’t be difficult because according to Richard Heene and his wife, all three of their (most adorable I HAVE to add) sons are indeed aliens(smh). But before I leave I’ll be sure to catch a ride in their high flying ride. Let’s just hope he does not force me to do some outrageous publicity stunt, like maybe crop circles on the White House front lawn…

    It’s just no family more outrageous and well..lively.

    All this done with my new White Riviera 720p HD Camcorder of course!

  • รขโ‚ฌล“If you could follow a celebrity around for 1 day and film their life, who would it be and why?รขโ‚ฌย

    Personally, I’d follow around my daughter. She’s a celebrity to me, and capturing any bit of her life would be special.

    Which day would be harder to pick……. First boyfriend? Prom? School success? Sports accomplishment? Or just an ordinary day…… The choices are many, and never a bad pick of the bunch……

    Oh, and I’d use the black camcorder. Black goes with anything, and since DXG doesn’t have their camouflage pattern in this style of camcorder, black would be the most stealthy. ๐Ÿ™‚ Can’t embarrass the kid. But then again, isn’t that what parent’s are for? ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I would like to use the Riviera 720p black to follow and filming the Speidi’s life!
    I just want to record and show it to them, so they will know that they are a normal persons, not a superstar. ๐Ÿ˜€

  • I would like the Riviera 720p in pink and I would love to follow around Bo the presidential pup around the White House. I really don’t care about any of the celebrities and their lives as I see far more than I need to on TMZ/all the entertainment shows. By being able to follow Bo I would be able to see parts of the White House normally not seen by the public and get a glimpse into the lives of the Obama family. So, yes, I would rather follow a dog around than any celebrity on the planet! If Mr. Rogers was still alive I would have chosen to follow him around his neighborhood, but alas Fred is dead.

  • I would love to follow around Elin, Tiger Wood’s wife, using the black Riviera 720p in black. But I would use a time machine to go back in time to the day of the car accident that started the whole saga. I would love to be able to record what happened in the house and that led up to Tiger leaving and having the car accident. It is not so much that I really care so much about what happened but by having this video that nobody else in the world has, I could sell the video and then use the money to pay for college for the real celebrities in my life, my brother and my mom (who would love to go back to school and get away from an abusive relationship). So by exploiting Tiger’s faux paws (yeah, I know this is spelled incorrectly, it is a play on Tiger and a tiger’s paws) something good could come out of it. I would also use some of the money I got from selling the video and donate it to domestic violence prevention too so that some good could come out of the whole thing (and not just for my own family).