This ad is from the March 1922 issue of Physical Culture, and might forever change your boyfriend’s life with these three words: Separate Sack Suspensory
You can do the hardest work or play without strain, chafing or pinching if you wear a Separate Sack Suspensory. The S.S.S. has no irritating leg straps, no oppressive band on the sack, no scratching metal slides. It is made just as nature intended.
With the S.S.S. you always have a clean suspensory every morning. Each outfit has two sacks, you can clip one fast to the supporting straps while the other sack is cleaned.
Now he can tramp around all day in comfort and support!
gives new meaning to banana hammock
Did Mr. Ballsack Johnstone see this? 😉
leg straps and metal? can i get that one instead?