Decor HOME AND REAL ESTATE Interiors Residential

4 Ways to Bring Nature Into Your NYC Apartment

Nature apartment
Written by emilyc

If you live in NYC, you probably forget what nature is. The closest you get to wilderness in a New York apartment is rats scurrying through your kitchen/bedroom and roaches greeting you each morning as if they were your pets. Recently, my roommate brought home a cactus, and it jogged my memory as to what exactly is out there beyond the confines of Manhattan, which further inspired me to search for other ways to become one with nature amidst steel and concrete.

Nature apartment

You could go ahead and put a tree right in the center of your room. Too bad I can’t even fit in my bedroom, let alone a tree. It’s a nice goal, though.

Moss bathmat

Pretend like your pre-war flooring is actually pre-civilization with a moss rug. It’s nature’s bathmat.

tree hallway

Who needs wallpaper when you can just throw caution to the wind and line your hallways and floors with creeping vines, greenery, and other pieces of forest (I forget all technical terms referring to nature – it’s part the transition to NYC life).

air wick

You can always just go down to Duane Reade and get some room spray. Air Wick is my fave because it’s especially nature-oriented. I mean, limited edition National Park scents? You can’t get much more rural and non-polluted than that.


Images [via][via][via][via]

About the author


Emily is a New Yorker trapped in a Floridian's body and loves every minute of her big city life. With a major in international business and years of being surrounded by ill-fitting suits and all the wrong shoes, she learned that the importance of fashion needs to be communicated to the world. To her, fashion is on the same level as charity work and feeding hungry children. Emily can be found frolicking the streets of her gayborhood enjoying the off-color humor of the gays.