This week in men’s clothes that women should wear, we’re talking bags. Sure, sure – you’ve got your statement clutches and designer handbags. However, there is nothing chicer than a woman who knows that style goes hand-in-hand with subtlety. A good outfit can speak volumes if you’ve paired it with the right bag. Additionally, a man’s bag usually has more organization to it (I mean, you know that helps when trying to find your concealer). We rounded up five of our favorites to give you an idea on what you should be borrowing from your male counterparts.
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About the author
Corey is a self-proclaimed heiress and the love child of Anne Boleyn and Marie Antoinette. He's a thug in a cocktail dress with a penchant for open-bars and puns. He has his barista's call him Beyonce and he's never been to Brooklyn.