Adult Health

8 Natural Sinus Remedies to Help You Breathe Easier

Written by andy

Try these for speedy relief!

There are few things worse than a sinus infection. Your head gets all fuzzy and heavy, you can’t think straight, you’re snuffling all day long, and your nose ends up rubbed raw from all the times you’ve wiped it. Not a fun way to spend the day!

But why not try these natural sinus remedies listed below? They’ll help you breathe easier, and you can experience rapid relief without using a medicated nasal spray!

  1. Tiger balm — Few things will clear up your nasal infection like Tiger Balm, a heat rub of Burmese origin that works like a charm! Containing menthol, camphor, clove bud oil, cassia oil, and other natural ingredients, it can help to ease your sinus problems and make it easier to breathe.
  2. Hot bath –– Want to get rid of the mucus filling your nose, throat, and lungs? Don’t worry about blowing your nose, but just take a hot shower. Breathe in as much of the steam as you can, and it will help to flush the mucus out.
  3. Humidifier –– Oddly enough, too much heat and a lack of humidity can make it harder for you to breathe. All you need to do is install a cool mist humidifier in your room will help you to breathe easier despite your cold. Plus, it will prevent dry throats, common when you breathe through your mouth.
  4. Drink up — Did you know that drinking more water will help to thin out the mucus in your nose, making it easier for you to breathe and blow your nose? The thinner your mucus, the less pressure there is on your sinuses, and the less likely you will be to get all headache-y. Drink more water, a warm soup, or some tea to stay hydrated and clear out the mucus.

READ MORE: 10 Foods for Sinus Health

  1. Neti pot –– A Neti pot makes it easy for you to flush your sinuses, using saline (salt water) to get rid of whatever is causing the infection. It may be a bit uncomfortable to use, but it gets the job done!
  2. Warm compress –– Inhaling steam helps to loosen up the mucus and reduce the pressure in your sinuses, and a warm compress to your forehead will have the same effect. Place the cloth right over your forehead and nose, and it will work its magic to help ease the pressure on your sinuses.
  3. Garlic –– The idea of chewing garlic may not appeal to you, but it can do wonders to help deal with sinus infections or a stuffy nose. Garlic contains powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it useful for dealing with whatever germs or bacteria are causing the infection in the first place. You may not even need to eat the garlic raw, but sautéing it or eating it in your food can have the same effect. You can even try steaming it, and inhaling the steam. The more garlic you eat, the better!
  4. Eucalyptus –– Eucalyptus oil can help to loosen up the phlegm in your throat, lungs, and nose, making it much easier to breathe. The best treatment for your stuffy nose is to pour a few drops of the oil into a bowl of hot water, and cover your face with a towel as you breathe in the steam. It will loosen up that mucus like nothing else can!

If you’ve got a stuffy nose, try these amazing natural sinus remedies to help you breathe a whole lot easier.

About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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