New Baby, New Kourtney

Written by JamieK


Healthy habits are what Kourtney Kardashian is now going for after announcing her unexpected pregnancy shortly after the launch of her new show Kourtney and Khole Take Miami.  She claims that she is trying to make the right decisions now that she is eating for two.  So what’s going to be the outcome for the show next season? Kourtney Takes Baby Gap???

About the author


a recent FIT graduate in search of the next best thing. She can't get enough of men in suits and unwinding with her favorite bottle of wine. A free spirited attitude that always gets the last word, there's never a dull moment. Her favorite activities are laughing hysterically, a night out dancing in the perfect party dress, and looking and feeling fabulous. She is currently obsessed with her super glossy black patent leather Louboutins, bold dresses, sushi, and can't imagine a day without her Blackberry.