Academically and professionally prepare for the future, but romantically stay in the day.
Rub an ice cub on your face every morning and night. It closes your pores and feels incredible.
It’s absolutely more than okay to cry.
Get rid of anything that isn’t useful. Clutter weighs you down in many ways.
Don’t blame your unhappiness on anyone other than yourself.
No matter how shit life is, getting up, going for a run, taking a shower, and putting on leather pants and a great shirt will make everything a whole lot better.
Woody Allen said 80% of being successful is showing up, but when it comes to going to the gym that percentage decreases by 60%.
Write down everything, don’t trust your memory.
Raw almonds, raw cashews, and dried cranberries are currently trying to overtake the role of cookies and pretzels in my life, and I gotta admit; they’re kind of doing a great job.
“No” is a complete sentence.