Adult Health

5 Dangers of Splenda

Written by andy

It may be tasty, but how bad is it for your health?

Splenda has become a staple of just about every restaurant, coffee shop, and diner around the country. You’ll find that many eateries don’t even offer regular sugar any more, but there are always packets of Splenda lying around.

Made from sucralose, Splenda is a zero-calorie sugar alternative that many people prefer due to the fact that it’s supposed to be “zero carb” as well. But just how dangerous is it for your health? According to the experts, it’s a lot worse than it seems!

Here are some of the dangers of Splenda:

  1. Negative Side Effects — Many people who take Splenda report a number of negative health effects, including but not limited to: blurred vision, symptoms of allergic reactions, migraine headaches, seizures, dizziness, weight gain, blood sugar increases, and problems with gastrointestinal health. According to the experts, taking Splenda can increase toxicity in the body, can damage your DNA, and may even cause cancer!
  2. Dangerous for Cooking –– When you cook with Splenda, you’re taking your health in your hands and putting yourself at serious risk! When heated, Splenda releases a form of dioxin toxins, which has been linked to cancer, toxicity, and a disruption of the endocrine system. When cooked in stainless steel pots and pans, it can release more of these toxic chemicals–which are similar to the Agent Orange herbicide used in the Vietnam War. Studies have discovered that using Splenda to cook may increase your risk of leukemia.

READ MORE: Foods that Cause Cancer

  1. Dangerous for Diabetics –– While Splenda is meant to be a zero-carb type of sugar, the sad truth is that it can still have a negative effect on diabetics. Sucralose raises glucose levels, insulin levels, and levels of glucagon. The effect that sucralose had on all of these levels was comparable to the effect of white sugar, meaning that it can be just as bad for your blood sugar levels as regular sugar if you are diabetic. You may think that eating Splenda is the best way to stay safe, but it will be equally harmful!
  2. Destroys Your Intestinal Health –– Did you know that sucralose can kill as much as 50% of the bacteria living in your intestines? And not the bad kind of bacteria that causes infections and diarrhea, but the good kind of bacteria, the kind responsible for breaking down your food. Messing with the good gut bacteria can lead to all sorts of health problems, not the least of which is a compromised immune system. Sucralose almost TARGETS the good gut microflora, and the negative effects can last for up to three months. Sucralose doesn’t just go through your digestive system like any other food, but it leaves death and devastation in its wake!
  3. Can Cause Allergic Reactions — Just like with any other artificial or chemical compound, it is highly possible for you to be sensitive or allergic to sucralose. Some of the common side effects of a Splenda allergy or sensitivity include red, itchy, rashy, or blistered skin; wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath; a runny or stuffy nose; heart palpitations, swelling of the face, eyes, and throat; migraines and headaches; bloating, gas, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain; anxiety, dizziness, and depression; achy or painful joints; and red, swollen, and bloodshot eyes.

As you can see, the risks of eating Splenda far outweigh the benefits. Sure, you may avoid a few calories, but what are you doing to your body as a result? For this reason, it’s always best to go with natural sugar and sweeteners!



About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.