5 Things I Learned from Being on Millionaire Matchmaker

Written by Bryce

Patti Stanger Thinks Bryce Gruber has a Stick in her Ass.

Until recently, it was pretty hush-hush that I’m on the official season premiere of Bravo’s Millionaire Matchmaker.  The lovely people at Bravo asked me to help them keep the suspense through the summer and early fall since we shot in June/July. It was Patti’s first season in New York City (season 4), and it was a little crazy being one of two “millionaires” on the episode, especially considering she’s not used to matching women! So here’s what I gathered from the whole experience:

1) Patti Stanger Thinks I’m a Stuck Up Bitch. It’s true. On national television she pointedly advised me to get the “stick out of your ass.” …I can def see where she’s coming from because I wasn’t into having alcohol at our 9 AM mixer or partaking in the fast-paced sexual activities of most 20-somethings in NYC.

2) Dating is a Competitive Sport, Apparently. Maybe it’s because I’ve never taken this “game” too seriously, or maybe it’s because I’m not sure how much I care, but I JUST noticed that dating is basically like Olympic-level sling shooting. You have to have the strongest muscles to shoot your hopes off into the distance and hopefully hit some entirely remote target, all while sling shooters from far off lands are flexing their muscles (read: vaginas).

3) Men are Befuddled by Children. They just are. I can’t tell you how many of the guys at the Millionaire Matchmaker mixer were like, “You have a kid? Hmm. That’s trippy.” Not really. It’s not trippy for me, or the billions of other humans that have had kids before. And billions more will continue to do it. It’s part of the whole life cycle thing.

4) NYC is a Strange Place to Meet Someone. This whole city is full of vibrant, beautiful people… but somehow there’s so much choice that everyone’s just holding out for the next best thing. Not me. I’m not trying to brag, but I have a damn good eye for good stuff (please explore this blog for more evidence).

5) I’m OK Being Alone. Sure- I’d love to have all that lovey dovey stuff and more kids and the warm family feeling, but if it doesn’t come, it’s cool. I’m completely in love with being a mom, and in some ways, almost all my dreams are fulfilled already.

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.


  • I’m sure its not trippy for adorable Ben. And no one tells Bryce to “get the stick out of your ass” (although in the promo, I notice that you’re smiling, so you must not have been taking Patti too seriously). Can’t wait to see the episode, but I’m guessing no love connection?

  • I respect your observations and I agree. NYC people are in a way, transient and commitment phobic in all aspects of their life-they don’t want to be tied down to any one job, apartment or romantic partner for fear of losing the opportunity to find something “better.” It is hard to admit that work and children may be fulfilling enough but harder even for others to accept that decision because they chose the status quo. Bravo!

    And, a little on my experience w/all the amazing dreamers in NYC that just can’t commit…

  • amazing post. love point # 2,3 and 5. and think that #5 should be turned into a reminder for women. you can’t love someone else/ have the love you need if you don’t know how to love yourself. and not in the “self love” sorta way.

  • Five observations from watching Millionaire Matchmaker tonight:

    1. Your facial expressions were priceless
    2. You’re much taller than I realized
    3. Your TVQ is sky high. Someone needs to cast you on the right show now
    4. Patti’s cattle call tactics are not the right way to find the best person for you
    5. You looked absolutely stunning

  • Wow, Bryce I really thought you perhaps had some sort of personality but that proved untrue.

    Um.. who are you again to be demanding for lookers like “George Clooney, but taller and Jewish?” It seems that you are experiencing severe delusions of grandeur. You’re hardly a 7, yet you’re demanding for a bloody 12.
    Women like you really do make me laugh.

    Why did you even go on the show? To demonstrate that you have a tremendous sense of entitlement or that you’re a stuck up bitch? To push your brand? What was the real point of wasting yours and everyone’s time? I simply don’t get it.

    It was just really painful and awkward to watch you. A few tips:
    1. Nose job
    2. Get over yourself
    3. Get a personality, buy one if you can.

  • I thought you were adorable & hilarious!

    Then, I immediately wanted to scope out your magazine. So, here I am.

  • You are MUCH kinder about the whole ordeal than I could have been. Would I take advice from Ms. Stanger? Not in this lifetime. I’ve been happily married for 27 years and I find her advice laughable and her manner beyond rude.

    You seem to have your priorities straight – love on your sweet little boy and enjoy your life. It’s not you that has the stick up….well, you know 😉

  • 1) Patti Stanger Thinks I’m a Stuck Up Bitch.

    You were. You came across like a hormonal teenage girl that was being made to do something she didn’t really want to do. I mean WHO let’s Patti pick their date when they have 20 hand-picked choices? Lighten up. Try exploring things outside your comfort zone and you just maybe will find there’s a lot out there to like.

    2) Dating is a Competitive Sport, Apparently.

    It is. Just like anything else worth having, you usually have to work for it.

    3) Men are Befuddled by Children.

    They are. When it’s not their kid. Men don’t like raising other men’s kids. Can you blame them? Would you want to raise your husband’s kid by another woman?

    4) NYC is a Strange Place to Meet Someone.

    No stranger than anywhere else, it’s just faster paced.

    5) I’m OK Being Alone.

    I HIGHLY doubt that or you wouldn’t have put yourself on national TV to find a mate. People just say “I’m OK with being alone” when they’ve given up. You’re too you to have given up already. Dating is a numbers game. Go on a LOT of dates with a LOT of different people and you’ll eventually find your “Mr. Right”.

  • OMG! You are such a SNOB! And not in a good way. I’m not exactly sure why you think you are better than everyone else, but that episode last night did nothing to help your cause. You weren’t even dressed that well. I have money, am married, have a child and live in NYC (much like you) and found men easily because I am friendly and not a closed-off bitch like you. P.S. You should have chosen Simon but I think he was probably too good for you. Good luck because you are going to be single for a very long time. You probably should get over yourself …you are not all that! Seriously.

  • That show is a hoot. It’s just entertainment and you were good entertainment. I enjoyed it.

  • Couple of things.
    1. I understand that editing is an activity used to make things more interesting so I get that we don’t see the entire picture.
    2. It was evident that Patti gave you a hard time and was a little rough around the edges.

    However….this is a date, not a pre-arranged marriage that requires you to mate with the person picked for life. That being said, you appeared quite rude. Being an introvert as you were described or even shy is not a reason to just sit there and look at someone without saying a word. I expect you are an educated woman and also have some social skills being in a monied family. You did not exhibit much in the social skills department. You could have treated the date like a business meeting and at least carry on a conversation.

  • I agree with Pattie you are a stuck up bitch..i feel sorry for your child…what are you teaching your kid how to look down on “real” people! The sad thing about it is, is the only thing you have going for you is your money…take all that away and you would be just like the rest of us “human beings” hard working ordinary people who don’t look down on others. Grow up and know the world doesn’t revolve around the likes of you!!!!

  • what advertiser would want to deal with the Bryce who appeared last night? You behaved dreadfully. The person who took you to dinner went to a lot of trouble and all you owed him was the courtesy of being pleasant. I’m sure you’re not that kind of person with an advertiser, but honestly, looking good is not all that is required even in the Saks coupon business. I hope that he and the show had an understanding that you were going to appear on the show as an unpleasant person for whom no one was good enough, in exchange for promotional consideration for this website. That appears to have been your motive, and congratulations it worked. But there may be a down side. Don’t be surprised if an advertiser turns down your venue because your “sex tips” are all hat and no cattle, based entirely on the publicity stunt.

  • Ok. Now that I’m here, I’m glad you went on the show. This blog is funny and I’m glad I was curious enough to look.

    BUT… why didn’t you bring the funny to the show? You would have been a MM super-stah.

  • Well put emeraldisle on October 20th, 2010 at 8:34 am:

    However….this is a date, not a pre-arranged marriage that requires you to mate with the person picked for life. That being said, you appeared quite rude. Being an introvert as you were described or even shy is not a reason to just sit there and look at someone without saying a word. I expect you are an educated woman and also have some social skills being in a monied family. You did not exhibit much in the social skills department. You could have treated the date like a business meeting and at least carry on a conversation.

    I was cringing the entire time I was watching Bryce.I thought she was mean & VERY,VERY,VERY RUDE. OMG.You were so mean to all those men at the mini mixer and that poor man that took you out on that date. You might have had more money than your date but that guy was CLEARLY too good for you.You dont deserve to be with anyone.

  • You obviously went on this show as a marketing strategy for this website. Shame on Patti for putting you on TV, there was no honesty about you. Very sad that those men were interested in meeting a millionaire and hopefully they will recognise that its’ best to find a nice person.

    One question: when you said that you didn’t think that you were qualified to write about sex, does that mean that you haven’t had sex? Does that mean that you’re the Jewish version of the Virgin Mary? From the way you treated Keith on that romantic date he had set up in the NY Public Library it sounds as though you wouldn’t be any fun to have sex with anyway, even if you are Vejazzelled!!

  • I saw the episode and I read all the comments. My message to you is:
    1) You did look a little shy when you went on your date and you have a lot of standards about what constitutes a good man and where he comes from. You should listen to the advice Patti gave the other dude and pick five or six absolutes and be more flexible with the rest. I had mine (even at 21) and have been married for 22 years.
    2) Your kid definitely comes first and finding a man that loves kids is a must (look at point #1 for absolutes).
    3) Do not let anyone tell you when you should date, how many or what to do. The problem that I can see with dating Patti’s way, is the same problem I see with preparing for a job interview and other life altering decisions: you don’t show your true self and it turns into misleading advertising. Not a good idea.
    4) As much as I like watching Patti’s show, I don’t agree with Patti in many things. I do believe that you came across a little set in your ways, I understand that these shows are all about the editing to supplement the original impression. If you were really stuck up, you would have not laughed at her comments or gone on the show to begin with.
    5) As far as the comment someone said about saying that you are ok as you are meaning that you gave up, here’s the thing. Many people I know your age end up looking desperate and attracting the wrong attention. Keep meeting a lot of people, not on dates. Just go out to the park, to events, etc. Many times you will find “the one” in the silliest places, like when you pick up your laundry.
    6) Be happy with yourself and keep doing what you are doing.

    In a sense, the show worked, because I would have never seen your website if you had not been on the show. Enjoy those 15 minutes and keep up the good work so that people come back for more.

  • I think you’re a refined sophisticated mature beautiful no BS woman. You may need to loosen up a bit, but you’re not a snob. I believe you have evolved socially, and you get it. You understand the superficial shallow culture in which we live, where too many people think their love life should be like 2 hour romantic comedy. It’s a “I need a Bigger and Better” deal culture. You need a strong man, an intellectual man with savvy and a sharp humorous wit. George Clooney is far from the type of guy you need sista. He’s the serial monogamous 2010 playboy prototype. He’ll do one tour of duty, and re-enlist in a new unit. I was celibate for 2 1/2 years, because I was tired of loveless sex. I’m really good at sex though! LOL Stick to your guns Bryce! I wasn’t a fan initially, but I think you’re an amazing young woman.

  • #17 What a stupid statement about Virgin Mary. I don’t think you realize Mary was Jewish. Do you think she’s Italian? LOL You could have said ; another Virgin Mary.
    Keith was dressed like a 13 year old boy. It was a casual date, but he could have shown some style. He lacked confidence and was nervous. When was the last time you were attracted to a scared man BJ?

  • As much as I think Bravo can edit clip biasedly— those faces you made were so not manipulated by the camera. I like to believe the best in people so please tell me that what came across as a bitchy snobby attitude was all an act to promote theluxuryspot or any upcoming show or SOMETHING. I just feel bad for all the guys! I know that you didn’t get the greatest pick and I’m sure you were expecting guys a bit more high-caliber from Patti Stanger— but it just seemed like you cruelly made them feel like idiots for even trying to talk to you. It’s a little discongruent and weird since before this I actually watched the Vajazzling video and you seemed accessible and approachable and funny but it looked like you did a 180 on the show because you felt everyone was beneath you. I don’t think Patti was commenting on your celibacy/non-drinking as much as she was annoyed you made no effort– not even to try to enjoy yourself.

  • There is only so much TV can do to make you look bad, it is what it is! You looked like a total stuck up snob! Obviously you need to promote this website!!!!

  • Ms. Gruber, Tuesday nights I visit my mom. We watched “The MM” (2nd time watching the show) which, in and of itself, is like witnessing a nightmare you can’t help but watch. Mom and I both agreed that you are indisputably beautiful and that your no bs/analytical persona was joyously refreshing. We were proud that you’re one of the tribe. Curiosity effectively aroused, I decided to do some browsing. With that said, your portrayal of yourself and values in this website was very unexpected and disappointing. I would never have anticipated that the well-grounded, resolute woman to whom I was introduced on the show, would place any value on something as frivolous as “vagazzling”. In one fell swoop, all credibility was removed from your character. Because you have such great potential, I’d like to ask you to review your goals. Money can be obtained in so many ways: forcibly, manipulatively, and in preying on the ignorant. There’s no blame in trying to make your own way in this world and profiting off of great ideas; but when you are more than capable of reaching loftier goals in a graceful way, why should it not consistently be in the pursuit of a healthier society? For a few minutes on that show, you were a proud role model. Of all of your many talents, I would wish you to exploit that one over all. You have the resources and gift to influence the world positively. Why waste it on enemas and body decorations? By the way, this is the 2nd time I have ever posted a comment online. I’d love to see it make a difference!

  • I thought Patti behaved really badly on this episode with you. She wasn’t listening. You made it very clear that you wanted an older man, and by the end of the episode it became clear to me that a mature woman with a child, although she may be young in age, does not need another child to take care of. She can benefit from a man with maturity, stature, strength and something to contribute to her life, not be looking to gain from her already established confidence, financial and personal security.

    You did well Bryce, despite being treated with a great deal of misunderstanding and disrespect. I would have demanded my money back if I had paid for Patti’s services, as she did not provide for you any viable options when the men were brought in for you.

    Not one of them had any maturity. Not one of them had any financial wherewithall. Not one of them was at your level of intelligence, sophistication or self-assuredness.

    I’d like to congratulate you on getting through that awful fiasco. Shame on Patti for falling into Jewish princess jealousy mode, and ignoring your desires. She got flustered, decided she would throw at you a cookie-cutter, standard-issue, non-customized match by just pulling jewish men your age. All of them children themselves, idiots, nothing to offer and looking just to take.

    You stand firm girl. Patti did BS work with you, and shame on her for failing to listen or want to provide what she was essentially hired to do.

    She totally missed the mark.

    I felt greatly inspired by your strength and now am standing taller in knowing what I want too. Boys, be gone! Of course you want something from me! Go find your own suger-mamma, and stop telling me I am stuck up, or something is wrong with me for not whipping off my panties for your sweaty, clumsy selfishness.


  • OK – I wrote a little blurb then I saw your Facebook… Can I just say for someone who wanted George Clooney and you’re in a complicated relationship with someone who LOOKS like that… and I’m sure he could be a wonderful guy, but YOU are the one who put out there for the world to hear what you wanted…

    I think everyone has a right to have standards. Especially if you have a child. That being said, it really does make one wonder why you decided to use Patti’s services given your extremely standoffish demeanor on the show. Now, perhaps not having the same type of database to work from as she has had in LA, she normally seems to have a much better selection (love watching the show) didn’t help (I didn’t see the “hotties” she seemed to see). She does tell it like it is – I like someone who’s direct and not scared to tell you to get the stick outta your ass. And I do have to agree with you about having a drink at 9AM isn’t my cup of tea (and I love a good drink). However, Keith REALLY tried… even he’s failed attempt at a joke was a simple ploy to get you to loosen up. There’s nothing wrong with being conservative, but lets face it – you DO have a kid – you DO know what sex is so this is what Patti meant about you needing to loosen up. Oh, and yeah, completely agree with janrod re: Vajazzling. Wouldn’t have even pictured you doing ANYTHING like based on your demeanor on Matchmaker. C’mon, Bryce, give Patti another try, show the world what those closest to you see… 🙂

  • I watched the show last night. Patti’s ridiculousness always makes me feel better about my own life (-:

    Anyway, Bryce, please, please, PLEASE tell me what lipstick you were wearing on the show!! You looked GORGEOUS and I just loved your makeup, especially whatever you were wearing on your lips and cheeks. So much so that I googled the show and wound up here. I need to own it (-:

  • Nobody deserves to be treated the way you spoke to/belittled those guys on the show. I don’t care who you are or how high you esteem yourself. I realize that you weren’t perfectly matched, but throw the guy a bone. Seriously…you won’t meet anyone if you don’t at least put yourself out there.

  • I think it was great exposure for your site. I’m pretty broke so it would be stupid for me to indulge in this site.. (torture, i mean.) but it piqued my curiosity.

    I have been single in NY for twenty years. i just had my first child. you are right in that it is extremely fulfilling. He is my little boyfriend.

    And being single isn’t as accepted in our lamo society for some reason. As soon as i got married everyone gave me gifts. i was like,,,, where was all the loot when i actually needed it? annoying.

    anyways. i can see how you were seen as stuck up. to people who aren’t critical thinkers. it’s all about manners to them. why should you give a reaction if you aren’t impressed?

    I confess that i love watching Patty hammer people. but you weren’t an asshole. you just were yourself, and there aren’t a lot of people willing to do that. And since people don’t understand that, they will always chalk it up to insecurity or something. when, possibly it is the opposite of insecurity.

    Keith was pretty cute. but the “i’m good at sex” thing was so base.

    stay single. there is no shame in celibacy. i admire that you find reward in your own pursuits.

  • Seriously? You got offended by Keith’s comment about sex and you post your crotch on a website (actually wordpress blog) for the world to see? Everyone with a brain realizes there is editing on these shows to make it more interesting but as other readers have mentioned you can only edit so much and the real person is still there. Your comments were very reflective of immaturity. A few years down the road and more life experience will hopefully teach you to be less judgmental of others and be kinder to people whose space “you are in.”

  • You have such a great voice here on the site, people need to take editing and entertainment factors into account and your little boy is ADORABLE … perfection indeed 🙂 – hang in there … boyz come and go.

  • I also came here from the MM show. While, I’m sure it was good exposure for your website, you missed a HUGE opportunity here. Had you been charming and witty and inviting – your traffic would have increased ten x’s the amount you probably already have from the negative press from the show. I would love to have found an attractive, powerful, sylish woman in NYC – and be able to follow her blog! Granted – I did come here – but it was only to find out who was that condescending woman! I would have signed up and shared the blog with all my friends had you shown an bit of charisma and style. I’m also surprised that you portrayed yourself as so uptight and stiff – when this blog is a bit wild and fun. You kinda shot yourself in the foot and I wonder why?? Hopefully next time you get the chance to be in front of a national audience you will get a PR agent for some tips!!!

  • As much as I enjoyed the episode, the comments on here are twice as amusing. The guys were unattractive and uninteresting. Our people (Jews) are inherently funny, and yet even the comedians were dull. And I wouldn’t say she treated Keith badly; it seemed like a pretty standard awkward date where the chemistry is missing. If I were that dry in my approach to women, I’d expect a similar reaction. (And he still wanted a second date, so she must have done something right besides look pretty.)

    I can only speak from personal experience, but I feel as if #2, #3, and #4 are location-specific. In other words, I think NY and LA probably fit those descriptions to a T, but obviously not every place is like NY and LA. I’m in Atlanta, and dating here is hardly competitive; more like a friendly round of golf with friends. And I don’t think single mothers are such a big concern here (yes, I know I’m setting my city up for a southern stereotype there). I’d say you need to get out of NY, but then Israel is about the only place you’re more likely to find the Jew that you’re looking for.

    On the one hand, admittedly, I did like the “I think I’m pretty good at sex; I wouldn’t say I could give any sex tips” quip. On the other hand, if it was a serious line, he deserved the reaction he got. Tough to tell from the editing.

  • If you’re a stuck up bitch, I don’t even want to know what Patti would think of me! I was watching the episode, nodding along with everything you were saying. Different strokes, I suppose…

  • This is simple: If you weren’t game then you should not have pursued an appearance on the show.

    You were godawful to Keith, someone who appeared to be genuinely nice and sincerely interested in getting to know you, cameras and editing notwithstanding.

    One last thing. Lose the shnoz.

  • Clever to use this show to drive traffic to your website. All the traffic shut down your site after the show. I can’t imagine why you would ever appear on this show, except for publicity for your site. You are incredibly arrogant, condescending and rude. It is Patti’s schtick to put her millionaires through the wringer, but you came across as if you were forced into participating. Grow up – no one coerced you into doing the show. It’s also completely unrealistic, given your personality and looks, that you could ever date someone like George Clooney. You’re just not “all that.” Sorry.

  • I think you presented yourself quite well. I gather that Patti thinks a woman is nothing without a man, and she appears to come from a place that teaches women to get validation from a relationship.

    “No wonder you have no man” is an offensive comment. Patti seems to think single women have diminished status. If you are fine being alone, then being alone needs no defense or explanation.

    I also admire your open celibacy. It’s about time women who don’t want sex stopped making excuses and being on the defensive. On the other hand, how small is the playing field for women who are fine being alone but also may want just want companionship and no sex?

    Perhaps it is a subject worth exploring.

  • I really don’t see how anyone can watch this show and not think negatively of you. I honestly didn’t find any of the guys on the show attractive either, but based on your attitude I don’t know if ANY guy is attractive enough for your standards. You can be sophisticated and selective but you should try to be a little more fun-loving and carefree. Life is short, find joy in every moment! I honestly watched and felt bad for you and whatever happened in your past to make you so closed off and cold. The statement ‘I never really warm up to anyone, ever’ is really, really sad. Life is beautiful.

  • Try a date with one of the Manzo brothers.. (RHONJ) sons…
    their both cute.. both seem to be hard workers. Albie will be a lawyer and Chris is going to be a business owner.

  • Entertaining for what it was, which is what TV is. If you folks were watching Bravo chances are you were not looking to be enlightened nor should anyone cast judgement based on editing.

    Main two reasons I am submitting a comment, hopefully the above is obvious:

    1. I would like to know why Bryce would pigeon hole herself into only wanting to date a jewish man, given that by jewish tradition, Five Books of Moses in Deut. 7:3-4, that the mother passes on the jewish heritage. I have a couple of wonderful friends that will only marry a jewish women due to that reason, but for a women to uphold that is a question I have always wondered. As far as raising a family with jewish holidays and understanding, I’m sure you can find that without marrying a jewish man? Yes, that last sentence is a question. 🙂

    2. Comment # 11 “Men don’t like raising other men’s kids. Can you blame them? Would you want to raise your husband’s kid by another woman?”

    Wow bro, please please please do not present men like that. I could see you being one of the O’Doyles in Billy Madison. As much as bloodline does matter, it shouldn’t be the basis for loving someone. ie: I was raised by a man my mother only DATED for 7 years. They started dating when I was 2. After they broke up he remained my “father”. 25+ years later I still consider him my father and I am his only son. By the way I do have another father , my biological father and they are friends and always have been. The reason he raised me was because my biological father was out of the country most of the time. Not all men have to carry around a clubs and piss on poles. Dave if that is what you are into, good luck, but not all men are like that.

  • Well now that I’ve been all around your site the way you came across on MM seems so much different than the “voice” on this site. And I like this site! (except for the fact that you repeatedly call your pubic bone your vagina. the area you are talking about tattooing and bedazzling is NOT YOUR VAGINA!) Regarding MM, I say mission accomplished in telling Patty to suck it AND getting more traffic to your site. If you had watched the show previously you probably knew going in that she was not going to set you up with anyone quality. Her taste is VERY questionable.

  • I have to agree with some of the most recent comments above me… if you had presented yourself differently, you would have tons more traffic on your website!!! (that was just bad PR on your part) and some of the things that came out of your mouth you just can’t deny…like you don’t like anyone from “staten island” I’m not even from New York and that made me mad!! Are people from Manhattan better than people from Staten Island? Just checking?

  • Bryce,
    You are a jewish mom, like me. You are an a self made buisness woman, like me. I was initially rooting for you on the show! I met my husband on Jdate. I met him after years of dating( dick teasing) random guys, letting them buy me dinner amongst other things. I thought noone was good enough!! And, let me just tell you that LA/ OC and San Diego are no picnic for dating either. It is the same thing everywhere!!!The funny thing is noone is perfect hunny and neither are you.Your child needs an active father and an example of family infront of him/ her. What you are doing is selfish on your part. You may call it guarded or being ok with being alone but I see it as extremly selfish. Also luxury is nothing in comaprison to love. You wont find it if your heart is not open and you arent ready to meet him. So what is the worst that will happen? You might get hurt? Thats part of life too. Women in my opinion are too strong now. Off course we know we are inside but we dont always have to act so tough. Men hate that! Kill them with kindness:)My mom always said men are the head but women are the neck. So true. Anyways, I hnow how editing can portray things because my husband is actually in reality TV but the way you were presented made me cringe enough to find your site and comment. Youre pretty, but not the prettiest woman alive and maybe you have money but that doesnt make you any better because you wear prada. So what???LIfe is nothing if you dont have someone to love and be loved in return ( emphasis on to love part). Femininity is a lost art and i suggest you learn it because money definetly wont buy it and any man who is real and genuine and funny like what you are looking for is ging to look for that and NOT how independant and succesfull you are. So maybe he wont be 6 feet tall but if he makes you laugh then youll be smiling your whole life and thats not bad:) Huimor him Bryce and he will humor you! Good luck and i wish for you the joy of true love and family…and mostly that you will let him lead a little( or at least let him think he is the leader)..cioa


  • Why Bryce? Why? The faces, the attitude…all my friends have such great things to say about you but your behavior on the show was just horrible. You’re so much better than that!!

  • *********IF YOU ARE NOT OR HAVE NEVER BEEN A SINGLE PARENT****** **********************WHO ARE YOU TO CRTICIZE******************************
    I checked out this site after watching the show. I liked how she took a not so great situation and built this site. I thought she might have some tips or advice and got side tracked by some of this bologna. I saw some of the posts here and had to subscribe to chime in here. First, the stuck up mess. I like the show but come on. From what I remember she introduced the guy saying how great he was and that he was a “self made millionaire”. She then introduces her and says she comes from money. Then later pulls her to the side and tells her to take the stick out of her you know what. I honestly dont know anyone that would be laid back after that. Im sure that did effect the date some.
    Really!!!!!!! the posts saying that she should have behaved like someone without the responsibilities that she has is just ridiculous. She being a single parent does not have the luxury of casual dating. Those who do have that luxury shoudl reserve judgement. She obviously is taking this serious as she should. She does have a child give her a break. I didnt get married until my son was 12.
    Really!!!!!! she is not self made BS. I thought it was smart of her to start her own site. Taking a not so great situation and making this website shows real ambition. Even if she does have the fourtunate option of living off of mom and dads fortune. Some people would sit back and just enjoy the wealth. It looks like she is trying to do her own thing. So layoff haters. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!

  • Bryce – You do need a reality check. Sorry girl, but it is true. You only get back what you give. It is an energy thing. You are not fun or funny or pleasant. You are cold. Why wouldn’t you have more of an open mind? Think about the qualities that you are exhibiting. You attract what you exhibit. Do you really want a cold rude man to be the father of your children? Make a list of the qualities that you feel would make a good father, husband, and friend and then ask yourself if you yourself can give those same things. You have some work to do!

  • Wow. For those of you with the negative posts calling Bryce a snob, insulting her looks, and insulting this website…you are being 8X as snobby and critical as you accused Bryce of being. She wasn’t interested in any of the men she was set up with and truth be told why do you even care.

    For the record, at 20 years old she started her own PR firm. Even for someone with start up capital that is not easy. She can’t control that she comes from money, but she can control how she chooses to live her life, and she lives it respectably. She has taken an idea and made it a brand. How many of us can say the same thing.

    Also regardless of how many of you were routing for Keith they come for two totally different worlds and were not a great match.

    If you feel the need to insult strangers I invite you to visit reddit.com

  • I am wondering if you went on MM for publicity, in that regard I think it may have been an excellent idea because I now have joined the luxury spot. Also, I don’t think your personality shined through so that maybe something that needs work. And lastly I do understand what you mean in number five I myself am a single parent so I have fulfilled that part of my life and sometimes adding a man can make it difficult!! Good luck on your journey.

  • @Li103: The answer to your question is yes

    @becca123: Rebecca, why do assume that Ben doesn’t have an active father?

  • So yeah, I also just joined because of your spot on MM…so if that was a publicity thing…smart move. But seriously…you are kind of a bitch. And I hope the hottest guys steer clear of you…someone with good looks and good sense of humor CLEARLY deserve someone better (like, someone warm and with a heart). That’s all.

  • nice site. funny… and alittle dirty. saw the MM. my recommendations: don’t waste your time going public like that. you won’t meet the people you want to meet in those circumstances. you will just meet your regular riffraff. they don’t even know how to make proper introductions. you need a private man who is looking out for your welfare and your son’s… perhaps a business man. that shouldn’t be too hard to find if you ask your personal friends for tips. he shouldn’t be threatened that you have interests and hobbies. have you tried attending a reform synogogue? i’m sure they have lots of conservative men who would be great for you. keep the money issue very private and don’t let it influence your life. best of luck to you and yours.

  • Why haven’t you had a nose job? You would perhaps at least then be an attractive “millionaire” with no personality, instead of just homely and dull
    There are many wealthy unattractive men, but they are smart enough to use charm and personality to get that gorgeous babe. Of course, they also have no problem using their $$$ to get what they want.
    Think about it!

  • wow, ur a pretty girl with a bad attitude. no wonder you are alone. remember that what you give is what you get. and you are not ok being alone ( because you did the show , obviously you want a man) no one is, even if you have children, they will eventually grow up.. girls like you are the ones that let a good man go because they so stuck up. no matter how much money you have, no one wants to be with a cold miserable person. for your own sake i hope you change.

  • Ok, let’s face it. Patti Stanger isn’t Miss Sweet personality and New Yorkers aren’t as shallow and vapid as those she’s used to out in California. Just because she had a crap nose job, she thinks everyone should.

    People in NY generally don’t flash money, in spite of what someone might watch on that *coughcough* Real Housewives show. But that’s not the goal of Ms. Stanger’s “club”. It’s all about flash. And that’s what Ms. Gruber signed up for.

    Whether or not it was the right thing for you (clearly it wasn’t), Bryce, bubbelah, listen to your Aunt Hannah, you have to go into it with an open mind and heart. Clearly you have the wherewithall to take care of yourself. That’s no one’s business but yours. You’re young. You’re healthy. Your nose is perfect (just look at Barbra). You learned your lesson about making your romantic life a public issue. You won’t do it again. But you have to be open to letting the love find you. Warmth and generosity of spirit is a greater asset than a large bank account.

    Finally, if you don’t want to talk about sex then don’t mention your website publishes articles about sex and relationships. That’s my last advice.

  • BRYCE MY DEAR! You came off very un-interested in everything & everyone! I mean one guy I think Keith said he felt like he got hit by a bus being on a date with you Lol OUCH! But yeaaah I def think you shud open up a little more and not all guys are “immature” just because they make a joke or are “young” …. Why do you want a older guy anyway? I mean if you date a 50+ year old thats less time you have to spend with them people dont live very long these days! Anywhooo Good Luck on finding a spouse!

    PS: I think you need a Leo or a Aries!

  • Hello Bryce,

    Allow me to qualify myself: I am a married 60 year old retired-from-teaching California grandmother. In other words, waaaaay out of the NY dating scene loop. Was probably never in it. Having said that, there are certain graces that never lose their appeal. You have every right NOT to choose someone, but how a person chooses to turn down the advances of another has everything to do with grace and kindness. Why not show some real class and entertain the gentleman (who took some pains to entertain you) and show your appreciation. You can always make the honest claim later that the chemistry wasn’t there. As for the sex comments, it looked like you set him up. What do you imagine he is going to think when you tell him that your online mag offers sex tips? He is probably just out-of-the-loop, like me, and doesn’t realize what that does and doesn’t mean when you reveal that. You owed him an explanation, IMHO. Your total lack of interest throughout the show left me wondering why you agreed to do it. Advertising for your mag? I’m sure you’re a nice kid at heart, so please please let it show.

  • Soo what if you act like a bitch! The men on that show are little boys not a real men…you have a son you need to be picky. Don’t changes, your fine the way you are.

  • Hi Bryce- Yup men are trippy about kids, I have 3 and only one is at home full time I am a young looking 43, my son 9 was a change of life baby who came as a premie and nearly died. I think you held your own and were true to you, awesome girl! Not enough women do that, I have fixed ppl up in the past and if you can’t be yourself then there is NO hope for a relationship. I think too Patti was under stress with the first NYC match. I love how you declined alcohol, stuck to principles and really was true to you. NO one will really love you if you put on a show and just to marry and have it fall to shit. My marriage is not what I want and I want out, problem, I lost my business due to being hit by a drunk I do not collect enough to make ends meet, I want to write but have been at home for many years first home schooling then taking care of a sick boy and no sleep, now I have my health to think of, I need help but not one to ask, IF I had the balls to ask for help I would. I want a hand up not a hand out. I want to own my own home nothing too fancy just enough for me and my boy and hope to get one that I can do laundry and all on the ONE floor. I am in constant pain. I do plan to go to the UK and my friend is making that dream a reality or I couldn’t go. My oldest is married, my second a girl is in college so just me and my baby left. As for the husband he is useless to me, and I want a divorce and again can’t afford it. If you have any advise let me know and please if you have room for a writer and an account so I can travel and write about being disabled and how to make the most of travel while having a child and being disabled, great let me know. My son is also autistic…so yeah my hands are full. But I have hope…if you can help me with hope PLEASE contact me. Email first. I am a hard worker and will do all I can to help make a success for this online mag.. Meantime I am a great listener if you have need to talk, or just want a night out call maybe I can help you out? More to this but won’t post all of it now.

  • Bryce,
    Hello, I agree 100% with #51, reallyhannah. I could not have said it better myself.
    There is one more thing I must ask you and please forgive my forwardness,
    Is Patty Stanger a man? If she is not she sure should have been. She has a nerve talking about someones nose, (which by the way as Hannah said, yours is beautiful). I see that she and Andy has called off their wedding plans. I heard, from someone that knows Andy very well, that she forced him into purchasing a ring for her. He did not say but my friend says she is sure that Patty had to pay for it because Andy does not have the kind of money it takes to satisfy Patty’s taste. Andy made it clear that Patty was more interested in showing the public that she could get herself hitched than waiting for Andy to close the deal. He said something just kept holding him back from moving forward. Maybe it is that equal with the devil temper that she has. ……Just saying

  • Bryce,

    You are beautiful and you have good taste (love the site) but you should have told Patti that you did not want to date any of the men at the mixer instead of coming off as an aloof rude superior person. I mean if you want a high powered good looking man instead of an attractive nurturing person that would love and support you and your son then you should have told Patti. It takes time to get to know somone and your attitude did nothing to make your dates feel comfortable. To be honest, you seemed to have CHECKED OUT of the whole thing!

    If the goal was to increase traffic on your site, then “Mission Accomplished”, because I had never heard of it. However, I do not think that you should have wasted Patti’s time. I would love to be on her show because I would be clear in what I was looking for instead of making ridiculous statements like a “Jewish George Clooney”.

    All I can say is that you want to be alone and will definitely stay that way with your attitude; it is time to TRANSCEND…


    Kee Kee

  • Hi Bryce,

    I saw you on the show and I think editing can really misrepresent a person. While I though Keith was cute I have some comments about how some of the negative posts have remarked about the episode. First of all, in the 3 years that the show has been on it doesn’t appear like the clients have had much luck. Even the guy who proposed to a woman on the first date in Vegas ended up not marrying her. Patti says she has a high success rate but I’d like to see proof. It sounds like you are clear what you want, you’re young and successful, and your son is a priority. So what if you like much older men. I believe taste is such a personal thing. I hope you find who you are looking for and by fate and not some matchmaker who, while I am a huge fan of, is unable to get married herself and sabotaged her own engagement!

  • hmm interesting. so bryce you arent really even shy? that was my impression of you, and i think you mentioned that also. it seems like this is what people are referring to predominantly. you did come across as pretty negative. i’m going to assume that was editing.

    you’re in your appearance prime in your late 20s. it might last another 10 years that you can be very selective. i think patty keeps that in mind when she tries to match people. being overly picky for a long period of time can amount to winding up alone. you might not care now, but give it 15 years.

  • Hey Bryce – Seen your type B4….what a b*tch – but you’re freaking hot. But you should hold out – someone who can at least hold their own when they are with you.

    Your number 1 focus in Life – Is your Child; first and foremost. Have fun!!!

    If you change – you’re no longer *** Bryce Gruber ***

  • Appearance prime is different froim person to person. Some people are downhill at 28 while others still dazzle into their 40’s with the right cosmetic surgery that leaves them with natural beauty. Picky and selective are two different things. Selective is not wanting the guy with no manners and picky is writing someone off for not having bleached teeth (petty petty). Bryce strikes me as the kind of lady who will be a stunner well into her 40’s and 50’s. Look at Cindy Crawford and Julianne Moore. Go with your heart Bryce. You look like you’ll be a catch for a long long time. I bet you’ ll hit your prime in your 30’s and 40’s.

  • Bryce,
    You put yourself out there on MM. That’s brave. I see you claim they edited the episode to make you look like a snob. Well your personal brand is luxury, right? That’s your brand, so you should thank her for reinforcing that. By the way this website look and content is a little dull. Nothing very luxe.Just some friendly feedback.
    Warm regards,

  • Bryce,
    Patti had no business calling you names That made her look very unprofessional.
    You might not know exactly what you’re looking for, but you know what your not looking for like most of us. Any guy on the first date who says “I’m good at sex” is a moron no matter what his age. I guess with all her experience she hasn’t figured that out. Good luck and don’t settle. Your site got alot of good advertising. Your brilliant!!


  • Bryce,
    I understand the need to be guarded but you can be friendly, even to people you know you don’t have a connection to, it would show that you are ‘catchworthy’ even to Mr Right that might be watching. You are turning people off and not good to burn bridges as you never know how you may cross paths with people again. Honestly, it really doesn’t matter how much money you have because your gonna one day leave this world the same way everyone else does- with nothing. Do you want to be remembered for being ungrateful, guarded
    and ill-mannered?
    A few years ago i was single, dating with a little boy. trust me – i understand the need to be guarded but you can open up and have a little fun – your allowed you just don’t introduce someone to your son until your serious about that person. You can learn something from every person you meet.

  • Bryce,
    I love watching Patti’s show mostly to watch her usual millionaire smack-downs. I think that you came off very aloof on this episode and should have put yourself out there more, especially on your dates, after all wasnt it your choice to sign up for this show? It is clear that you didn’t sign up for this show to find “true love” given your lack of effort, but merely used this as a channel to gain publicity for your website/in general. A better attitude will get you a lot further in life, at least with your relationships.


  • Not really much on leaving comments but you were awesome on that show.
    Can we ever expect you in a reality tv show to replace that boring keeping up with the trailertrashians?

  • Sorry, Gruber. You can’t blame editing. You were definitely being Jappy and flippant. If you really want to find a good guy, you just have to get over yourself and stop calling judgment on everyone you meet. And please stop making those snooty facial expressions, they make you look immature and obnoxious.

  • Why did you even go on the show? You need to lighten up a bit and stop acting like you are better than everyone. However, this is great publicity for your website….here I am. You should stick to what you are good at….love might not be in your cards.

  • I just saw the episode and I wanted to give you some honest feedback. You come across very closed, cynical and uptight. You seem to be looking for what’s wrong with a person rather than what is right with them. I don’t think you’ll even know when you’re attracted to someone because I don’t think you are not expecting to be attracted to anyone. There really seemed to be some attractive and nice guys on the show. I was also very surprised to see how much sex is in your magazine given how you overreacted when Keith said he was good at sex. You couldn’t even see that he was just trying to lighten things up. I wonder if you would be open to taking some classes on how to be a more open, positive and loving person. The world, including New York, is a great place, especially when you’re expecting it to be.

  • I just saw the episode and I wanted to give you some honest feedback. You come across very closed, cynical and uptight. You seem to be looking for what’s wrong with a person rather than what is right with them. I don’t think you’ll even know when you’re attracted to someone because I don’t think you are expecting to be attracted to anyone. There seemed to be some attractive, nice guys on the show. Even if you didn’t find any of them to your liking, you could be kind and friendly. I was also very surprised to see how much sex is in your magazine given how you overreacted when Keith said he was good at sex. You couldn’t even see that he was just trying to lighten things up. I wonder if you would be open to taking some classes on how to be a more open, positive and loving person. The world, including New York, is a great place, especially when you’re expecting it to be.

  • I love you Bryce. I didn’t think that you did anything wrong. You were true to yourself and didn’t pretend to be something that you’re not. Also, there’s nothing wrong with your nose. I think you’re gorgeous.

    @ bj “Does that mean that you’re the Jewish version of the Virgin Mary?” You must be a freaking genius. The Virgin Mary was Jewish.

  • So how does a decent-looking nice Jewish Doctor from the West Coast contact a pretty, fearless, entrepreneurial media-savvy editor of an all things female website?

    I suppose I could contact Patti but this seems more fun.


  • To everyone that’s trying to contact me personally, twitter is easiest:)
    …whether you hate me, love me, or are somewhere in between.


  • ok, i totally think that patti did that show for ratings and not to get you a match future love, so here’s how i see it, I wish i were more like you, your refined and demure and at the same time bright( i am bright) also you have taste and class to match it (where does a guy with a sense of humor mean a f@#$%^(& commedian? he was no gentleman, i was 21 before i gave it up there were skanks in town giving this or that or everything up cause the guy “spent so much on me” they would say practactly justifying prostitution!!! i never willingly gave it up cause of what the guy did or spent only if i wanted it! its gross discusting sex with stranger unless its in my mind at appropriate times and when i see a handsome cop in uniform, that makes you have class, stick up your ass? why cause you got manners and are a role model for people like me to socially to look up to, You are a role model for women eighteen to 47, almost timeless. we’ll see. But its like i lived on fish tail end of long island and also in easton PA and also new orleans, they can’t get you a good match they didnt try, or they arent all that. It’s a thing that you either go old fashioned and find one at your place of worship or you just ask God in prayer to put the right man on your past, dont dag the list, i found my list three years in on month after engadged and every thing on that MF list was who he is or he does that and all my no he don’t you just gotta ask God to help you get whats on your list or know what to keep on it or add to it, then of course my man has that awkward thing to say but harmless thing goin on, but that’s ok one thing i didnt care enough to list and is annoying, but here’s my point this woman acts like she’s the only one who can get you a date. well God got me mine after i swore to him “if i dont get mister right in 6 months i am gonna be a nun and become catholic” next day shipping…met him on a street while i was leaving the clubs to go home he was on his way in, next day a date three years later engaged and now we’re getting married in 2012. hey i get nervous breakdowns and am a show off and i have social anxiety and ptsd and i got all these things wrong with me. so even a rich socialite who has fans and her own money and company, if i can find love you just went to the wrong agency, next time your jewish right? next time ask God, tell him what you need and trust him. kings and queens and all those politicans woman and men find matches, just cause you have security doenst mean you cant find the right guy, but when God answers your prayer get a prenupt and protect your inheritance as well. and tell him after a few dates to weed out the bottom feeder your goin prenup ll the way.

  • oh and tell him he wont be in your will either, then the real men who care about you and love you who you would value will be noticable cause you’ll have gotten rid of the weeds. its like me, I wanted a man who loves tall women so at 6 ft 4 in I wear 4 inch heels if i want. then the guys into short girls dont stay long…oh and withholding gives a gal power till you know your loved back. that show is man orriented and ratings emphasizing and quite exploitive of milionares. Make your own show and get my freind kim cady who owns ambrosia gardens on daniel street in Portsmouth New Hampshire to be on the show with you!!! she’s awesome! my favorite friend in this area.

  • I concur- some singles are befuddled by kids [even when they have babies of their own] plus they don’t act like they know how to treat them until you mirror their behavior back to them, with their own kids. After all the dating I’ve done, I still haven’t found Mr. Right, but I have learned the dangers of role playing with the wrong guy. A 9 am mixer might be just the trick to get most women to sleep with child/woman beaters, thieves, and con-artists. I did that at a few noon mixers. You had more sense, good for you, gurl! I may need you to send me a few tips on staying in the fornication-free zone, though.

  • Bryce, I was a little confused at how you were portrayed on the show, because now and then I would notice a few smirks and you actually looking pleasant. Like a lot of others, I discovered your website from watching your episode and I was pleasantly surprised to see how awesome you really are! I finally got it, you didn’t really take the show seriously, and only a few people with a distinct sense of humor could tell (even with heavy TV editing) that it was all a joke. Normally, I don’t ever watch MM but I’m glad I saw the episode you were in, because I am totally in love with your site and I think of you as an inspiration. You’re 5 years older than me and I hope by the time I’m your age, I could have success like you. You seem like a strong, intelligent, humorous young woman with a no BS attitude and I love it! And, really, who needs to worry about finding a man when you have the love of your life as your son, your own money and an obviously fabulous life. The right guy will fall into place at the right time. Keep doing your thing, you’re great!

  • I stumbled across this post and wanted to tell you that my divorced mother found that men were completely baffled by the idea of a woman in her early ’20’s with a baby (me!). But she came to see it as a plus, a way of weeding out men who, if alarmed by the prospect of becoming a stepfather, were hardly likely to be good fathers! She found a man who loved children and they married. And this is not a unique situation!

  • I wouldn’t date those guys either, a guy that openly says his good in bed on TV obviously has a screw loose.

  • Don’t like to judge but Bryce was probably the most self absorbed, entitled, rude and stuck up person on TV we have seen in a long time. How do people like that have any friends? They probably have to buy them.
    I for one will not help to enrich that kind of person and will never purchase from this website or anything to do with this woman!
    Was hoping she actually learned something from the show. Some people are just too shallow to grow emotionally on how to treat your fellow human being. She gives humans a bad name!
    What a head case!

  • ok, after reading the responses for this specific blog entry… twice, to get a fair sense of judgement, i still have my own opinion, and having watched the episode myself…

    with that said

    I think I understand Bryce fully 100% To all the people who said she needed to loosen up..umm why should she force herself to make her dates comfortable when she was the one uncomfortable after being thrown into what I can only imagine felt like a nightmare. She specifically requested OLDER men for what is only her preference (who am I to judge, though I think I know why..maybe they provide more stability and comfortability). Bryce was disrespected from the get-go and made out to be this prissy bitch which she’s not. It’s not her ‘standards are too high’ she just has a distinct personality which you either click with or repel. Obviously, Patti tricked her after struggling to miserably mold Bryce into what she thought should be the “ideal millionairess” and I commend Bryce for sticking to her guns and not folding though the insults were plenty. She’s fun, just mostly, if not only, around people she feels comfortable around i.e her friends..

    P.S. I’m no longer a fan of MM and I think Patti makes better matches in L.A. and is extremely stereotypical (hey sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t)

  • Bryce,
    Regarding kids and befuddled men… There is a study that measured the expressions, pupil dilation, etc. of men as they were shown babies. Men without kids appeared bored or uncomfortable. Men WITH kids had a positive reaction and appeared delighted, even smiling and talking to the babies.
    Does Patti find the people for the date parties on Craigslist? Blech.

  • You are lovely and intelligent and can’t imagine why you’re still single —

    “Bryce’s aim is to do to luxury what Elton John did to being gay.”

    Oh. Okay. Makes sense now.

  • Man, a lot of haters on this. Conflict drives interest and gets asses in seats. Smart business woman, in my book.


  • Byrce: I just saw your episode. The reason Patti thinks you are a snob is because you came across as someone who thinks she is better than everyone else. The only time you seemed to have anything to say is when you were asked if you go to the Hamptons. You had a lot to say about how you don’t like it there! That’s fine, but if you want to meet someone you could try being FRIENDLY. I always enter into conversations with new people looking for ways to draw them out and put them at ease. You have the opposite effect one people. I hope it isn’t intentional? Either way, it will really benefit you to make an effort to be easier to talk to. I agree, dating is a weird, scary and competitive thing. I can relate to you, because I was in a long term relationship with a man much older than myself for ten years. When that ended I had no idea how to make it in the world of dating. I tried an online dating site, and after many bad dates I met the man I am with today. He’s fabulous. I hope you will not give up on finding love because Patti didn’t find your man.
    But please, if you really want this to work, the next time you are presented with a tall, handsome, employed and single Jewish man, just try to be friendly. Don’t make things as painfully awkward as you did to that poor kid on the show! When he told you his two date ideas, the park, and the library, you immediate reaction was “the park?!?” in a tone of disgust, which probably made him very uncomfortable and may have contributed to Patti’s impression that you’re a snob. Also, do not answer questions with yes or no, and if you can’t give a good answer then ask a question yourself. If making conversation is hard for you, maybe try counseling for social anxiety disorder. But I suspect that is not the case, my guess is you act the way you do as a defense to push people away. Remember, a date is to get to know someone, that’s what they are expecting and they have the right to expect that. If you are not ready for that, then do not date. Agreeing to date is an implicit agreement to try to see if you are compatible with another human being. It is unfair to agree to a date and then act cold and aloof. It takes more than one date to know if this person is someone you connect with. But don’t make things so miserable on date one that there is never a date 2. If after date 5 you don’t think he is the one, by all means, push him away!

    Why did you dismiss every single man in that room after 2 minutes? That also may have led Patti to think you are a snob, she probably thought, wow, Bryce thinks she’s better than all these guys without giving them a chance at all! I think maybe you are just not ready to date. Because there were definitely some smart, well paid, handsome Jewish guys in that room.

    Believe it or not, not everyone expects a date to end in sex. Most people with respect for themselves and others agree that the more you like someone, the longer you should wait to have sex with them. But if YOU mention sex on the first date, that is sending a message you don’t want to send. If Patti was a little kinder to her clients she would have watched your tape and given you this advice. I noticed that when she asked what went wrong you were too embarrassed to even mention the kid’s response to your sex and dating advice column. I’d definitely suggest not mentioning that on a first date again. Stick to the fashion and dating parts, leave out the sex. Once that door is open in conversation it isn’t easy to shut and in all fairness, if you don’t want to have that convo, don’t open that door!

    My advice in a nutshell: be easier to talk to, act friendly. Don’t judge someone so quickly, give them a chance. And do not mention sex, unless, of course, it is to say that you don’t believe in casual sex.
    You are a beautiful woman, Bryce. I wish you the best

  • o my god – you are such an arrogant horrible self absorbed woman, just watched you on MM and no wonder you’re a single parent. Horrible horrible horrible awkward woman and I don’t have time to read your shit website – with spammy crap articles.

  • Bryce, the issue is although no one was your type. The is basic humanity, and just to be nice is part of being a decent human being. You couldn’t even do that. I and everyone I know was screaming at the TV saying your so stuck up and lack any personality. You have to attract what you seek. A dull good looking guy who is only interested in sex is the best I can see happening if you stay like that. The whole world thought you were stuck up, not because you didn’t drink or go in us blazing, but because I have never seem someone so quiet and judgemental in my life. Smile for fuck sake!!

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